Chapter LIV

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All was quiet at the police precinct, except in the detainment section. There, an almost villainous laugh echoed through the corridor.

"Since we have time, let me talk to you about something." The self-proclaimed Heaven's Eye journalist leaned against the cell.

That comment and scene triggered a fast reaction in Hua Cheng, who quickly moved, stuck his arm in between the iron bars, and grabbed the journalist by his collar. The director brought his face closer and smiled, a face that would have been friendly if not for the circumstances. "I'm all ears. Not by choice though." He then let go of the man and went to sit on the bed.

The journalist tripped a few steps back, trying to regain his balance, and widened his eyes. He cleaned his throat before speaking. "Aren't you a wild beast in a cage?" He then straightened up and continued, "Your temper speaks too loud for your own good, young man. That's what started all this anyway."

Hua Cheng leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. The man knew how to get to his nerves. It had been right when he won the contest that he first heard the name "Heaven's Eye".


"I run this society meant to bring people together by following the Lord's path and your story is pretty inspiring, young man." At that time, the journalist, sneakily as usual, approached Hua Cheng on his way out of the theater and started professing his cause. "I believe I have a mission of carrying your statement to other people who may be inspired by you. What do you say? Will you let me interview you?"

Something about that man's name, the eye of the heavens, as if he was entitled to a vigilante role in "the Lord's name" or whatever, it got to Hua Cheng's nerves straight away. Still, he agreed to the interview and they scheduled a meeting within a few weeks.

The day before the interview, Hua Cheng decided to check out the place he had to go. The rookie director found the address of the small hall not only by using the GPS, but because there were posters with his name announcing a conference-like event all over the streets of that neighborhood. Hua Cheng had agreed to an interview that he thought was one-on-one, without public. Looking the announcement up closer, it showed Heaven's Eye must be really committed to his own cause, so, if the guy was making a difference in other people's lives, that was what mattered anyway.

Hua Cheng was about to turn away when he saw people preparing a stand in front of hall. A sign, "entrance admission", could be read there, and there was a price just below it.

Heaven's Eye was charging people to see Hua Cheng?

That was not nice. Hua Cheng never thought about charging a commission, and he was not told a price would be charged from anyone else on his behalf. That meant the money was going to Heaven's Eye alone. Well, if the society was going to inspire and guide other people like Hua Cheng once was – lost, afraid, alone – then all was fine.

Hua Cheng watched the preparations for a while until he started feeling he needed to prepare himself. After all, he was attending an event now. It was then that he heard the same familiar voice again.

"Many people said they're coming, especially those hopeless ones from the educational foundation. Raise the price! No one asked beforehand, so they're willing to pay whatever to see the man talk." The voice was clearly instructing whoever was assembling the stand for him, and it went on. "Selling hope, my friend, that's what pay well. We're selling hope in here."

To Hua Cheng, that would not do. He went home with his stomach on fire. He did not want not associate his image to such a person. He asked for help the following day to reach the journalist and cancelled everything.

That did not keep Heaven's Eye away. On the next available opportunity, he waited up again at the exit of the theater.

"That was rude, cancelling last minute like that, young man."

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