Chapter LIX

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"Is Gege back already?"

Through the speakers of Mu Qing's phone, Hua Cheng had heard Feng Xin saying that Xie Lian was on his way to meet them. Immediately after, the director sprinted to the entrance of the court like a hunting dog, anxiously thinking about the actor.

How was Xie Lian feeling regarding the interrupted trip? Was he upset or angry about it? How did the recording go? Why was he back a day earlier? Did something (else) go wrong? Hua Cheng was aching to see and meet with his Gege ever since they parted, he wanted to check for himself that Xie Lian was fine, especially after Heaven's Eye threat. But... how would it be when they actually met?

Amidst the hectic situation they were living, everything started to dangerously add up: false accusations, their ruined trip plans, the director's lost business meeting, staying in the goddamn cell alone... What could stop that awful chain of events? There was only one answer: seeing Xie Lian. That could almost erase all the rest and make the director's life bearable again. Turned out, when Hua Cheng got to the hall with a typhoon of emotions clouding his chest, he noticed somebody was indeed entering through the main doors, but it was not Xie Lian.

For a moment like an eternity, everything went blank and Hua Cheng processed one piece of information a time. He knew well who that person was. He also knew all the pain and suffering that came from his actions. That was fucking Rong Guang standing right there! Next, the rest happened very fast. "Why are you here? How did you know about today? Weren't you with the judge?" Many different questions invaded Hua Cheng's mind and all found their answer at the same time, when his fist met the abuser actor's face.

Rong Guang and the director had not met again since the play was interrupted back then. Hua Cheng preferred it this way, otherwise he would feel the uncontrollable need to punch the man until there were no more teeth left to form that arrogant smile people knew. At the present moment, the urge to smack his face had never been greater. Everything bad that happened rooted back to his abusive behavior to Yushi Huang, and Hua Cheng was only seeing red when he advanced for the man and punched his nose.

The whole scene was quite interesting to see, at least that was what He Xuan thought as he ran after his friend. Since Hua Cheng still had his hands cuffed, he had to move his entire upper body from one side to the other to get enough momentum when he punched the man. He also ran a bit crooked, probably the effect of not being able to balance his weight normally, as one unconsciously does with their arms swinging from side to side while walking and running. If He Xuan was a person with an easy smile, he would find it hard not to laugh at the scene. Maybe if Shi Q... why was he thinking about that name so often and for the most random reasons lately?

After throwing the punch, Hua Cheng felt such a jolt of satisfaction that would be enough to make him hit the guy again and again, but he lost his balance and tripped to the side, giving He Xuan enough time to catch up and immobilize him. That threw him off and he breathed in deeply.

Rong Guang fell to the floor and stayed there, unable to recover neither from the startled state he was in nor from the physical pain. His lawyer, carefully hired for his professional skills and for being known as a cautious and helpful, saw his client being physically hit, took a step back and pulled his phone to record the moment, even though all he managed to tape was his client agonizing on the floor.

All the running attracted some, but not too many, curious and attentive looks from those present in the hall. Nonetheless, the real commotion was actually caused by Mu Qing, who followed He Xuan and Hua Cheng screaming, "Stop immediately! Hua Cheng, no! This is not going to help you!" There was not a single person by then who did not notice the action taking place at the city main court, and this also included reporters and photographers standing outside.

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