Chapter XLIV

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"Hi Yin Yu. What is it?"

"S-sir, I-I-I have bad news."


"You... we..."

"Breathe, and then spit it out fast, Yin Yu."

Xie Lian was admiring the valley view, but then turned to stare at Hua Cheng. The director's tone became serious all of the sudden.

"W-we had a bad review published today."

Hua Cheng creased his brows and exhaled. "I'll be at the theater in half an hour. Can you wait there?"


"Making sure to keep the cryptic lessons and depressing coming-of-age atmosphere, director Hua Cheng did not surprise anyone by further confirming that he is still an immature/amateur artist. Supported by the overly-dramatic attitude of still unknown actors such as Xie Lian and company, the director's new play is far from impressive. An uneventful plot, in which the only twist is from the actor Xie Lian's naked body over his bed, certainly is not memorabl..."

Yin Yu stopped reading, lowered the newspaper and watched Hua Cheng's expression.

"Please, go on." The director said from his spinning chair. His face, unreadable.

"This person clearly just wants attention, sir. I... I just reported it to you as part of my weekly duties, but I didn't wanna ruin your day off." Yin Yu tightened the grip on the newspaper and pressed his lips together.

"Yin Yu, I'm telling you to keep reading!"

Xie Lian noticed how San Lang's voice sounded harsher than usual. The couple had to rush to the theater straight from their valley observatory excursion. Hua Cheng wanted to see the printed version of the review and to consider general repercussions it could bring. Xie Lian made an effort to talk about other things in the car, an in-vain-attempt of distracting the director, but he noticed the change in San Lang's eye since the moment he heard the news.

Now, Xie Lian approached Yin Yu and kindly asked for the newspaper. He was pitying the assistant. The actor focused his vision and started reading.

"In the recent past, the young director relied on controversy to establish himself and survive in the art industry, especially considering his morally questionable move to call off almost all scheduled performances from his previous season without any explanation. Amidst a fog of unconfirmed rumors, it was inevitable to relate the incident to the sudden distancing of actress Yushi Huang away from the spotlights."

Hua Cheng folded his arms in front of his chest. "Is that all? It's a terribly written text, if it is ends like that."

Xie Lian hesitated, but continued. "Whether this will be the doom or rise of actor Xie Lian, it depends solely on how fast he changes direction." He crumpled the page into a ball and threw in the trash bin.

Hua Cheng looked up and him, then at Yin Yu. "Thank you for informing me, Yin Yu. You're dismissed today."

"No, sir, I still must finis..."

"Yin Yu, don't exceed yourself. That's enough work for today."

Yin Yu sighed. He knew there was lots more to do, so being sent home like this was not generosity. The director must really want him to go. Yin Yu excused himself and left.

Hua Cheng then placed a hand on his own forehead. He looked troubled. Xie Lian could not understand why something like a bad critique, clearly made to get people's attention by being almost offensive, was bothering him so much.

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