Chapter XXIII

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The day at work came to an end and Jun Wu went back home fast. His coworkers commented among themselves that he was acting weirder than usual. He was biting every nail he had, it seemed like his mental gears were blowing off steam.

Jun Wu was waiting to hear again from his Dianxia since Wednesday. Actually, it was only yesterday. What point is there in making threats if there is no echo? Even the involved director said nothing yet. Knowing Dianxia, he must not have told him. He was kind and strong, he must have chosen to go through this alone. Jun Wu was proud, he would make Dianxia stronger after all of this. And if he did not tell the director, maybe he did not trust him all that much. Awesome!

He threw himself on top of the bed and craved canned coffee. He then remembered he ran out of it. It must have been that rat Qi Rong, sneaky crazy hacker. Yesterday he showed up pretending to check on his so called "friend" and left drinking a can. If he was not useful, Jun Wu would have beaten that skinny ass of his a while ago already.

Would Dianxia be thinking about reaching Jun Wu now? A whole day had passed. Maybe he needed some kind words of incentive to reassure him for tomorrow's presentation, it has been a though week. Hua Cheng was busy with his directing and probably backed away already, so why not check Dianxia and make sure he is relaxed?

Jun Wu chose a shirt Dianxia once told him he liked, combed his hair and was locking the door, whistling.

"Feeling quite good with yourself?"

Jun Wu looked to the side. It was a second ago when he saw the corridor was empty. Now, there was someone looking at him very closely, he did not even had time to adjust his vision and focus when his head was smashed against the door.

"You should not be in this position at all, Jun Wu."

He grumbled something like "What the f..." in response, his lips crooked against the old synthetic wood and paint from the door, but was interrupted.

"By the way we weren't properly introduced, although last time I already wanted to punch you. I'm Hua Cheng."


The night before was spent on preparations, and it involved visiting an old acquaintance. Hua Cheng was clever and that was why he chose to fight fire with fire. Jun Wu was ill-spirited and probably had help from other people to get that video. Hua Cheng had a few guesses for who did that already.

The door in front of him opened. "Director Hua Cheng, they say whoever is alive will eventually appear." The man holding it lifted the corner of his mouth when seeing Hua Cheng.

"He Xuan, long time, no see. I wonder if you can get some information for me?"

"I can't refuse, can I?"

They sat for a glass of beer in front of the computer.

"Who knows, perhaps your debt will be solved with this favor now." Hua Cheng laughed as they did a silent toast and drank.

"That's what I was hoping for." He Xuan put his glass down, turned the VPN on and started typing.

"Are things busy at the precinct?" Hua Cheng did not want to go into too much detail, since He Xuan stories usually escalated from chill to gore quite fast.

"Yeah, and I have some outside jobs too. They're killing me, all involve injustice against kids, cowards that try to hide threatening the little victims. It gets me seriously enraged to see someone robbing away their lives like that."

In the end, they got the information Hua Cheng wanted and spent a few hours talking. It distracted Hua Cheng from thinking more about Gege. Still, driving back home he could not help but remember Xie Lian in the passenger seat with a troubled expression. Hua Cheng sort of blamed himself.

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