Chapter XXXV

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"Well, we'll drink to that!"

They took two large sips of their hot beverages and placed the mugs back on the table.

"Puqi, honey, whatever sort of witchery you did to find yourself someone like this, please, do the same for me, will ya?" Shi Qingxuan leaned her chin on her hand and squeezed her eyes shut. "My chastest and purest best friend, getting head backstage."

Xie Lian gently slapped her arm. "Shhhh, stop saying it like this. It makes me sound so promiscuous." He took another sip of his macchiato.

"Nooo, it makes it sound fabulous, Puqi." She leaned closer and lowered her voice. "Especially because one could think that the director of a play would be mad if he found about something like this, but actually in this case..." She did not even finish her sentence before cackling up in small giggles.

Xie Lian felt his cheek blushing. "If only you did not know me so well, I would not have told you yet. Especially if you were going to mock me."

Shi Qingxuan slapped the table but then realized it was a bit stronger than intended and apologized. "Puqi, who's mocking you? This is pure friend's good envy and admiration!" She touched his hand. "Please, I'm happy because things are calming down a bit after this hell of a week, and there is someone taking care of you. Enjoy it!"

Xie Lian held her hand back. "Thanks, Puqi. I'm relieved, I thought I wasn't surviving this week." He exhaled.

Shi Qingxuan straightened. "So, all in all, of course, you two are dating, right?"

Xie Lian gave a warm smiled. "Yeah... although I almost scared him away last night."

His best friend raised her mug of chai latte and brought it to her lips to blow. "Oh, dear, I sincerely doubt you could do anything to scare this one away."

Xie Lian touched the back of his own head and squeezed his eyes. "Hm, well, if I can't, my mom almost did it."

Shi Qingxuan widened her eyes. "Tell me you didn't take him there already." Xie Lian just nodded while Shi Qingxuan opened her mouth in the shape of a perfect "O", before saying "My goodness, you guys are even more serious than I thought!"

"I want to go full in, Puqi. I wanted him to meet the hardest part already and, if he survived, we would be stronger and able to just be ourselves. I..." He paused to take a deep breath. "I'm enjoying this feeling of being able to be myself in front of my parents. Besides, my mom is so happy. She just got a bit too carried away yesterday."

After hearing what happened, Shi Qingxuan lowered her head. "Poor little Hua Hua, he needs loving and care too, Puqi. Maybe even more than you." They lowered their gazes solemnly to that, but Shi Qingxuan was not done yet. "Be sure to give him head too, will ya?

Xie Lian slapped her arm, less gently this time, and finished his drink. "You know what? He invited me to his place tonight..." Shi Qingxuan inhaled and started clapping. Xie Lian stoop up and said before turning around to pay, "But I won't tell you a thing about it."

Shi Qingxuan stood up with a shocked expression and followed him. "Oh! You little mischievous creature! Why would you torture me like that?"


Mu Qing entered the theater through the back this time, but he stopped right after closing the door. Memories of yesterday flooded his mind: Hua Cheng kneeling, Xie Lian with his eyes closed. Mu Qing felt his cheeks warming up. Maybe he should not have come back today.

Suddenly, all air was pushed out if his lungs. The door opened violently and hit his back with a loud thud, causing him to stumble for a few steps.

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