Chapter LXII : TW and The End

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TW for a little bit of everything. Beware.




"...I ended up finding him by accident actually. I went to check Qi Rong's belongings in that building you asked the address for, one time. (...) 'cause he's still wanted for a few burglary cases. Before I entered the apartment, I heard some movement and then, a gunshot sound. When I opened the door, guess what? Heaven's Eye was wrestling with Jun Wu, but when they parted, there was too much blood on the floor. (...) Yes, Jun Wu was shot in the leg. The doctor said he'll be fine, but it'll take some therapy to regain full movement. (...) Yeah, I'll tell the social assistant to put him on psychotherapy too. (...) And after all that, Xie Lian still wants to see him? (...) Oh, it's not my fault. The guy was begging me to give something to Xie Lian, even with his bloody leg, he was mumbling something about a black folder, so I had to call you. (...) Jun Wu also messaged him? (...) He's at room 1001. (...) No, I can't wait here, I gotta head to the precinct. The other psycho is locked in my car. There'll be a guard at the door of the room though. (...) You can accompany Xie Lian here, but if you get yourself in trouble again right after I just got you released, you'll be on your own this time. (...) Bye, Hua Cheng."

He Xuan hung up the phone and started the car. He turned on the radio, low music was playing while he waited for the green lights at the first intersection. Looking at himself in the mirror, something seemed different. Well, he was very satisfied with his work to begin with. Right then, interrupting his thoughts, he heard some knocking on the glass section separating the front and back seats.

"I have the right to a private cell and a lawyer! What makes you think you can lock me here for hours and not provide me with my rights?"

"What makes you think you can be saved after so many years of exploring the ones in need? Goddamn hypocrite."

"Hypocrite? I am not the Eye of the Heavens without reason! You know how many charity works I've..."

He Xuan raised the volume of the radio until Heaven's Eye voice could not be heard anymore.

While looking into Qi Rong's case after Hua Cheng's trial, He Xuan got big luck. Heaven's Eye was caught at the scene and would be incriminated at least of slander and attempted murder. In fact, the detective had him on his list for a long time, ever since Hua Cheng reported how he was of dubious character regarding his charity work. Now, summing these allegations and previous evidences He Xuan had collected, the man would surely face justice. That made He Xuan happy.

And then, there was Jun Wu, who was an easy catch since he got injured in the incident. His plan clearly backfired after the journalist went to confront him. At least now he would also be detained and face trial for slander, blackmailing, and whatever else could be put on him. That is, if Xie Lian decided to press charges of anything else. Nevertheless, another bad guy dealt with. He Xuan was very happy.

It had been long since he felt, hm, kind of lively. Listening to the loud song playing, windows down in his police car, and having a date tomor... Crap. That was embarrassing. Shi Qingxuan must have realized he tried to ask her out on a date earlier when he mentioned the milkshake offer. Shit, that was very embarrassing.

He Xuan looked at himself in the mirror and, again, his face was weirder. His brows were relaxed, his cheeks were slightly colored, and his lips were... curving up. He looked pathetic.

It had been a long time since he felt so pathetic. And happy. It felt good being pathetic once in a while, He Xuan missed it.


"Dianxia, it'll be the last time."

Those words were still echoing in Xie Lian's mind on the way to the hospital. They were written in the message he got from Jun Wu, along with something about returning sunglasses and a folder. As soon as the actor realized Jun Wu must have been in the same plane as him, a shiver went up his spine. Xie Lian did not want anything else to do with Jun Wu, but the man was just shot. He was an awful person, but wishing someone dead or shot was something the actor could not do, that would be too evil. In the end, this must have taught him a lesson. Therefore, Xie Lian decided to head to the hospital fast and get this over with.

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