Chapter VI

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Shi Qingxuan was about to leave when she heard the voice of Xie Lian's dad. "Miss Shi, thank you for taking care of him. He's so irresponsible, drinking like that on a Sunday..."

"Sir, with all my respect, he's not irresponsible. He's worked really hard for this imperial season and he's just relieved it's over now. You and your wife should have se..."

He interrupted her, "Thank you for being so responsible yourself. You are such a dedicate worker, I'm sure you will have lots of clients and achieve great success in no time. I think Xie Lian should also open an agency, or something, and give up these performances. It was because of it the Jin We guy felt he could..."

Shi Qingxuan knew this was a very delicate subject for Xie Lian's parents and just wanted to end the conversation and go home. "Jun Wu was an unhappy acquaintance that crossed our paths but I can assure you, he's long gone." She then noticed Xie Lian's mother peaking from the sofa and continued, "Sir, Madam, if you don't mind, I must be going now."

"Oh, wait, dear! I have something for you", it was Xie Lian's mom who spoke now. She went into the kitchen, grabbed a small wrapping and accompanied Shi Qingxuan to the door. "This is a mooncake I prepared today. Please, take some with you, en?" She followed Shi Qingxuan to the car, but suddenly stopped and said in a low voice "You know, the one you just mentioned, Jun Wu, he was here yesterday."

Shi Qingxuan widened her eyes. "Was he? Puqi didn't say anything..."

"He pretended it was our neighbor and sent the man away. Miss Shi, you're such a good person, please, tell Lian to keep away from people like him..."

Shi Qingxuan breathed in. Jun Wu liked Xie Lian in a romantic way, and Shi Qingxuan suspected that "people like him" to his mom probably meant any other man who would also like Xie Lian. However, Mrs. Xie had no idea what she was saying.

People are complicated, and complicated is usually fascinating. But sometimes, people can be scary too. Jun Wu was scary not because of what he felt, but because of a twisted logic that made him toxic. If only Xie Lian's parents could stop complicating Xie Lian's life for all the wrong reasons...

Shi Qingxuan thought about all of this, but said nothing. She just reassured she would talk to Lian and wished her goodnight.


A week later, Xie Lian showed up early in the morning for their first rehearsal under Hua Cheng's direction. The theater they were premiering was at least twice the size the other locations Xie Lian was used to performing. He could not help but be in awe when he entered through the main red corridor and gazed at the stage.

Right next to him, he heard a familiar voice.

"Gege must be eager to practice for arriving so early", Hua Cheng said.

Without moving his gaze from the stage at first, Xie Lian answered "This place is..." He then turned back and faced Hua Cheng. "Director Hua, I mean, San Lang, this place makes my stomach burn with excitement! I desperately want to be in that stage."

Hua Cheng always had an eye hidden by his hair, but the eye that could be seen widened for a bit, and then he smiled. "I'm glad you feel this way, Gege. The way I see it from here, the view is very impressive too."

To that, Xie Lian turned his gaze to the stage again, but Hua Cheng just continued to stare at him.

After the main actors arrived, Hua Cheng told them to sit forming a circle on the stage and started speaking with a low voice. "I'll be brief, but I feel I must make myself clear from the start. Welcome, thank you for being here and congratulations. This play means the world to me and I will give my all to make it and yourselves an utter success. I want to make history here, I want people to talk about this play for years to come." He was pacing and looking at the cast, but then turned to face the empty seats while opening his arms wide and raising his voice. "Behold and remember this day as the point of no return", he turned back smiling like a naughty boy and sat on the empty space close to Xie Lian, making himself part of the circle. "This is the feeling I want you to keep throughout the entire process." He looked at Xie Lian and winked.

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