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NSFW, NSFW. Twice actually. One of the bests I've ever done!




Feng Xin got home and sprawled on the sofa. He was exhausted and worried. Working yourself too much is fine for a while, for a specific goal. But feeling exhausted routinely, having no time for yourself and for healing before the next busy demand was discouraging. Still, he just got the job. He was worried if it would eventually calm down a little, but for now there was nothing he could do.

He heard his stomach growl exactly when the doorbell rang. He considered not answering it, who could it be? It was too late for mail and he did not order any food yet, so it was probably a mistake. Feng Xin actually wished it was Mu Qing... Goddammit, Mu Qing! He needed to send Mu Qing some sign of life or call him today.

Gathering the last of his strength, Feng Xing stood and reached for the doorknob, while thinking that they spent the entire day without talking. He opened the door and could barely believe his eyes. It was Mu Qing!

"I... This is a plant" was all Mu Qing said, while pushing his way in and extending a plant pot to Feng Xin. It had two or three big white carnation flowers open and many buds with white petals peeking out, about to bloom any minute.

Feng Xin opened his mouth to greet him, but closed it again, confused by the plant. "Thanks for bringing it, I guess? What is it doing here?"

Mu Qing reached for the table and placed two plastic bags on top of it "Don't you like plants?"

Feng Xin closed the door and placed the pot on the table. "I mean, what are you doing here?" The question would sound harsh in any other context, but Feng Xin asked it with a smile on his lips. His heart was skipping a few beats inside his chest.

Mu Qing had his brows creased and was looking down while unpacking two meal boxes. "I thought you might... want to plant us." He could feel his cheeks warming up.

Feng Xin was amused and started salivating instantly when he noted those were sushi bento boxes. "Now you're speaking in riddles...?"

Mu Qing was annoyed as usual. He distributed the chopsticks and soy sauce sachets on each side of the table, finally stopping to look at Feng Xin. "A plant needs attention and so do I. This is something to force you to think of me sometimes." He walked away, disappearing to the bathroom.

Feng Xing opened the box and stole a nigiri. He needed fuel to think about what was going on right now. This was very confusing. "You want me to... think of you?"

Mu Qing washed his hands and dried them quickly before coming back to the living room. "It's not like that. You disappear for one day, two days, and think it's okay?" He stared at Feng Xin, his brows still furrowed.

Feng Xin tried to touch Mu Qing's shoulders, but he evaded with a step back, so he placed his hands together in an apologetically gesture. "No, I know it's not okay, and I'm terribly sorry for that. I'll explain myself in a moment." Now, he crossed his arms and stared back at Mu Qing with a smirk. "What I didn't expect was for you to miss me this much."

Mu Qing's mouth opened to protest while he struggled to find the words. "It's not 'missing', it's just... I had expectations yesterday, and they were frustrated. Today during the day, again. I got sick of it." He sat at the table and opened his sushi box. "Oh shit, there is one nigiri missing."

Feng Xin smiled big, finding the situation extremely amusing. "Mu Qing, I'm really glad you decided to do something else other than just complain." He spoke while walking around the table, emphasizing the "do something else" part with invisible quotation marks in the air.

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