Chapter II

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"What? The famous director Hua Cheng asked for you specifically?" Mu Qing was aghast. "And you didn't ask why he chose you in the end?"

"You didn't even know who Hua Cheng was a second ago and now you're like that? Drop it. Just be your pathetic self and stop being annoying," Feng Xin retorted.

"Not actually, I didn't want to push my luck that far, Mu Qing. It was enough he chose me after all!" Xie Lian stood up to fetch their coffee at the counter. He could still hear his two childhood friends snapping back at each other from a distance.

Mu Qing continued, "but wait. Isn't he the guy that became known for..."

"Yes, he is. He's surely... unorthodox. But stop being like that." Feng Xin was trying to shut Mu Qing up.

As long as they have been friends, these two were always at each other's throats, and that has been since a very long time ago. Feng Xin joined Xie Lian's cries at the nursery one day and they instantly felt a connection. Since then, Feng Xin would always be around.

Mu Qing was more inconstant. It started once when Xie Lian and Feng Xin were building a sand castle in kindergarten. Mu Qing appeared as the enemy's army that attacked and destroyed the south wall of the castle, causing a big land slide and the destruction of the "Xiefeng" empire. Feng Xin slapped Mu Qing for that, at the top of his angered three-year-old self. Mu Qing brought him down and bit him. Both ended grounded for the rest of the day. Later, Xie Lian gave each of them a flower telling it was the other who sent it and all was fine again.

They had known each other for most of their lives and would commonly get together to play sports, attend concerts and, of course, watch Xie Lian perform. Mu Qing and Feng Xin were certainly there when Xie Lian needed them the most in the recent past.

Watching Xie Lian ask for extra cinnamon, Feng Xin said "He is destined to be a great actor, don't you think?"

Mu Qing nodded "Yeah, but something's not right."


"A famous director shows up outta nowhere and asks for Xie Lian, even though hundreds must have applied? I know Lian's good, but he's not known, that's just what I think."

Feng Xin slapped the desk "No way, I can't believe it! You're still jealous of him! Don't start that again, please."

Xie Lian placed the three cups of coffee at the table. "Who's jealous of whom?"

"Nothing, Feng Xin is just being ridiculous as usual. So, should we call you Dianxia until this imperial season is over?"

Xie Lian laughed, "I won't stop you if you really want to."


Walking home together, they took a shortcut by crossing the campus. Xie Lian was looking to the sky and said, "I feel something big is coming. I feel this may be my chance, you know? Director Hua is renowned, he must know what he's doing."

Mu Qing smiled. "I think it'll be great and you'll come out of it so famous you won't even remember your poor buddies here anymore."

Xie Lian stopped as if he was insulted. "You know I'm not like that."

Feng Xin pushed him to keep walking, "Yes, of course he knows. Who's being ridiculous now?" He creased his brows for Mu Qing.

"How about the graduation ceremony? Will any of you join the ball?" Xie Lian asked.

Their campus was throwing a big ball for all courses graduating this year, but one had to pay a high sum to participate. Humanities courses would have their party together, so Arts for Xie Lian and Law for Mu Qing, whereas Engineering would be a different party for Feng Xin.

"Ahn, I don't know yet," Feng Xin replied timidly. He was trying to avoid talking about this in front of Xie Lian.

"I'm SO going." Mu Qing said, filled with determination. Whereas he was thinking that he may find a mouth or two to kiss at the party, Xie Lian and Feng Xin eyed each other because, in fact, they knew there was only one mouth he actually wanted to kiss.

Feng Xin was suddenly uncomfortable for his two friends, but timidly tried saying, "Lian, you..." before he was interrupted by the actor.

"I don't really care. Besides, I don't have the money. I'm more concerned with pleasing director Hua and becoming a star at the moment." The three laughed out loud and parted.

"Break a leg tonight!"

"We'll be watching you from the crowd!"

Xie Lian walked away sighing with excitement.

All three were so into their own little worlds they did not notice someone standing at a side alley when they passed. That person had a crimson red shirt, black hair, and a sharp eye. The corners of his mouth turned up when he heard how he would soon "be pleased" by actor Xie Lian.





Keep silver butterflies alive by commenting and starring, the ones that live in my stomach live so well of it. Thanks for reading!

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