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Earlier that Monday, Jun Wu woke up startled.

A creeping noise spread inside his room and it entered his dreams in the form of a tiny rat, nibbling on a metal can in the distance. He was in a dark place and the air smelled like iron. Jun Wu came closer, he wanted to kick the animal away, but as soon as he focused his vision, his stomach squirmed. The rat was munching on himself, his tail, his foot, his lower half. That smell was actually blood, and there was a red pool of it below the animal. He widened his eyes as the animal looked up at him and screeched loudly. Then, it started laughing, a very human laugh, so Jun Wu turned around and ran.

That was when he sat on his bed breathing fast. Drops of sweat formed over his forehead and he wiped it with the back of his hand. The laugh, however, was still there and it sent shivers down his spine. It was coming from the door, like the weird noise. Jun Wu looked for his shoes in the dimness, and just as he stood up the door opened. The light from the corridor was too bright for his eyes, but he could distinguish two silhouettes, a tall and a small one.

Qi Rong stepped in. "Don't screech, little devil, let's grab you a snack so you can go to sch... Guzi! Run!" As soon as he felt a hand grabbing his collar, Qi Rong's plans were suddenly changed. "Oh, hi, big guy. I thought you were away. I was actually worried so I came to check if all was fine in your ro..."

"Shut up, rat. I know you were stealing, but I'm surprised to see you procreated. I guess rats do reproduce fast after all."

Qi Rong looked to the side. Guzi was slapping Jun Wu's waist and trying to bite him. "Guzi, I told you to run."

"Really, you found a rat-apprentice?" Jun Wu let go of Qi Rong, who fell to the floor and reached for Guzi. The kid quickly ran to him and kneeled. "I see he's still loyal, so you're not teaching him the crime ethics right then." Jun Wu approached Guzi and gave him a maniac look. "Being busted like this, it was the moment you were supposed to leave your mate behind, kid." He then messed Guzi's hair and stepped back.

Qi Rong stood up and Guzi hugged his leg. "This is my little friend, we just hang out together sometimes now. Well, since I see you're fine, I'll go and return him to his father then. Bye, bye, weirdo." He turned on his heels, ready to go for the door, but could not move. There was a strong grip at his neck.

"No, no. Since you're here, you're gonna get me some information."

"I really need to take the boy to..."

Jun Wu pondered fast enough and decided to release him. "Get rid of the kid and come back here then."

Qi Rong was at the door already. Indeed, rats are great at escaping. He looked back to say, "Can the kid have a snack at least?"

Jun Wu watched him annoyed, grabbed a pack of whatever was at his desk and threw at the door.

"Thanks! Can I also..."

"Get rid of him at once, worm!"

Jun Wu was looking for a comb when he heard a shout of "Fuck-im dammit!" coming from the door. He looked up, but they were gone. That laugh entered his nightmare because of Qi Rong, for sure. The horrid rat vision, though, was much more peculiar, and he shuddered remembering it.

Outside the building, Guzi was still repeating "Fuck-im dammit" many times, Qi Rong could see he was angry. "Calm down, kid. Look, I got you some snack in the end."

Guzi exhaled, then showed his own little hands with a pack of crisps. "For you, papa-two."

Qi Rong gazed at the bag, aghast. He then caressed the kid's head and took his hand. "You're gonna go far, kid. I know it."

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