Chapter XXIV

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When one just started learning to play an instrument, there is a struggle to play the melody correctly, and every single note gotten right is the source of great satisfaction. Xie Lian was not new to acting, but this last rehearsal went just like a newbie on a music lesson. Every line he got right was done with effort and that jolted little waves of relief through him.

The struggle was real, especially during his naked scene. His mind suddenly became flooded by San Lang's kiss that day on stage. And then their touching at San Lang's house. He was so gentle and so enveloping. His smell was...

But who was he in fact? He did not tell Xie Lian. In between his internal argument, the actor still managed to put on his persona and deliver a good result. Well, at least the director seemed satisfied with it.

At the same time, Xie Lian did not want him to just feel "satisfied". He wanted to make San Lang feel proud. If San Lang had been following his career throughout his entire life as he said, he owned a wonderful performance to his most devoted fan. That was the plan for tomorrow. In truth, today Xie Lian was saving some energy. He had to, since his body was feeling like a carcass and every small bit of excitement would matter tomorrow.

Lunch dragged itself while trying to figure out where his own feelings stood regarding the revelations he secretly heard the other day. On the other side, he noticed it felt boring not reaching out to San Lang. He had such a good sense of humor after all. What if...

No. Xie Lian himself asked for distance. He should stick to it for a while. It was best to avoid harming San Lang's career too.

During the afternoon, he could not help but remember San Lang's suggestions when reviewing the costumes. His comments on his long hair were sort of wasted now, and it was impressive that he was not mad at all about the whole hair change.

"Xie Lian, sir? Will you have tea, coffee or water during the second break, before the third act?"

"Oh, forgive me. I dozed off. Jasmine tea, please."

Before the day ended, Xie Lian watched director Hua Cheng deliver an inspirational speech to the cast and crew. "This is the moment, everything you've been working on is for now." That was what he said, and it was true. Involuntarily, he got Xie Lian in awe like in the first speech he gave. "Oh, San Lang...", was languidly echoing in his mind.

Xie Lian went through a roller coaster of emotions using all the colors of the rainbow during his time preparing this play. All his efforts must now be converted to making this play an absolute success.

He watched San Lang wrapping his things up to leave with jittery feelings. Suddenly, he wanted to reach to him, say thanks for those words, tell him back to break leg. Maybe just to hear his voice a bit more, or just look at his face... Xie Lian inhaled and was about to say his name, when someone grabbed his arm.

"Are you busy? I'd like to ask for some advice."

That removed Xie Lian from the trance. He was avoiding being too close to San Lang, remember? Still, that was remarkable. Even with mixed emotions, San Lang had a pull to him like a magnet, stirring his thoughts and fogging his mind.

He looked back at whoever was touching him now. "Lang Qianqiu. Yes, sure, tell me what you need."

He explained to his co-star his tricks to get in the spirit right before the play and remaining in the role during breaks. That was so funny, it was almost as if this was teaching himself again too. Once he finished, Xie Lian looked away, but San Lang was gone.

Hours later, his lids were heavy while lying at Puqi's sofa. He had meditated and stretched. They ate delicious delivery food and reviewed the schedule for tomorrow. Now, he was just scrolling through his cellphone in the dark.

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