Chapter XLI: NSFW

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I repeat. NSFW. Look at Xie Lian's little surprised face at the banner! That e:MIKA's art again.





Feng Xin did not want to get his hopes up for nothing. Was Mu Qing really trying to make a move on him? The obvious answer to Feng Xin's concerns was to test his friend out. "Hm, that feels good. Press the right side now." He placed his hands below his own forehead while lying on the couch with his butt in the air.

That was exactly where Mu Qing was sitting, now bearing a puzzled expression. Moments ago, Mu Qing pushed Feng Xin on the couch and started massaging his back, first over his shirt, then below it. Now he stopped moving. "Hey, I just talked to you. Don't you wanna know what you can help me with?" Mu Qing had been having this recurring thought, or feeling, of getting physical again with Feng Xin. The damn abs still haunted him at those moments when our minds wander away, like before we go to sleep. But, as usual, he did not know how to manage or express his emotions.

The week went by just with talking, also known as arguing, for the two of them. Sharing memes, exchanging song recommendations and complaining about work were part of their daily agenda, in between avalanches of arguments and mild offenses, naturally. All of that felt like the old days, but yet, a little different.

An epiphany.

Since their forced conversation on Monday, something seemed to have fallen into place.

Green is such a beautiful color. It radiates, promising, just like freshly sprouted seedlings that emerge from fertile substrate once their seeds fall into the earth. And amidst a green light of hope and expectations, Feng Xin had also changed the background of their chat to green. Still, they were so busy with their own jobs that they did not find time to meet up before Sunday.

Now, after noticing Mu Qing was struggling to demonstrate what he wanted, Feng Xin pushed a little further. He breathed deeply and closed his eyes. "If it's anything that I can do while you press my back like that, go ahead and tell me how can I help."

A word was perfectly fitting to describe the mood whenever Mu Qing was around. That was "ephemerous". Every interaction, laugh, joke, poke, everything was very dynamic, ever-changing, and one word that got across crooked could lead to a hurricane of a fight. Still... it would also go away fast. It has always been like that. That was the foundation of their relationship ever since Feng Xin could remember, and he liked it. If they were not arguing and spitting back sentences at each other, how else would they get along?

For a while, Feng Xin thought he had to be concerned in making everything work out smoothly. But when he told Mu Qing about his feelings at the prom night, that had a bad timing and resulted in an argument. Their first kiss happened at Xie Lian's dressing room, while they were arguing. Then, the first time they half made out did not pass by unharmed too.

What was the point of trying to say the right things and being so worried then? It was earlier that day that Feng Xin realized this, and he felt all his uneasiness dissolving into... fun. Green fun and hope that it would be fine. After all, he knew now Mu Qing was having a hard time himself.

Mu Qing suddenly stood up from sitting on top of Feng Xin and sat on the couch. "I cannot believe it. I can't understand you!"

"What? Why did you stop the massage?" Feng Xin opened his eyes and sat by his side.

"Seriously? Not a hint?" Mu Qing watched Feng Xin, but the other one did not move, only raising his eyes to the ceiling.

Mu Qing thought about how he cried during the confession moment on Monday. As his tears rushed out, being pushed by the emotional pressure building up inside him and boiling, what was left afterwards was relief. He felt so at ease after crying, and even better for being inside Feng Xin's embrace. But he wanted more, and now that ebullient agony of having to shove his emotions out of him was simmering again. That made him angry. "Do I need to be clearer, Feng Xin?"

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