Chapter XII

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Hua Cheng's surprise from being held by his Gege like that was already great. The director tried to keep his "I'm-working" composure, but he had spent his last bit of self-control a second ago, when he accidentally touched Xie Lian's chest. Now, Xie Lian was looking at him so intently. They had never stared right into each other's eyes like that before. At least not with a look that passed on a different message. A burning curiosity, an uncontrollable pull...

The director was too immersed trying to read Xie Lian's face, he did not see that other hand coming, and he actually did not even worry when it touched him, placing his hair behind his ear. It felt intimate, it felt sweet, it was reassuring. However, this whole moment crumbled when Xie Lian spoke next.

"San Lang, your eye..."

His look twisted into something different. It was more surprised, maybe with a spark of pity or shock? If Hua Cheng was in his normal state, he would not have let him see his face like that, he hated getting that look. Actually, if it was anyone else, he would not let the person get so close, in the first place.

"Gege, don't look at me." He replied pulling his hair back to cover his eye. "I'm ugly, don't..."

"You're not ugly, San Lang." Xie Lian held Hua Cheng again, preventing him from turning. He reached out once more and uncovered the director's right eye. "I'm just curious. Does it hurt?" That's not what he wanted to ask. He meant to say, how could someone like San Lang think himself ugly? Was he not aware of his elegance, of his features, of his contours? Most of all, his gentleness and intelligence made him even more attractive. Hua Cheng did not reply, he was frozen. However, seeing this man reveal his vulnerability was incredibly sexy to the one looking at him. He was always so sure of himself, so clever, so determined. But even him had his fears and worries and even though it was extremely improper for Xie Lian to touch him like that, he didn't fight it and agreed to let Xie Lian see him after all. His eye was not ugly. The sclera was streaked with red spots, and the iris was white.

Hua Cheng was so off guard when he was with Xie Lian. Because of this, even though he felt like running away, he didn't move, so Xie Lian cupped his face with his hands and brought their lips together.

It was an uncontrollable gesture for Xie Lian. Their breathings stopped as their lips touched and they stood like that, really barely touching. A moment later, Xie Lian realized what he had done and backed off. They stared at each other.

Hua Cheng whispered "Gege, may I touch you?" With every second going by it was becoming harder and harder for Hua Cheng not to attack him.

Xie Lian was also not thinking straight. He felt a numbness in the place where their mouths just touched and was too curious to see how that embrace felt now. He only managed to mumble "en" and then Hua Cheng lunched for him.

His arm surrounded Xie Lian's waist and brought him very close. His fingers went in between Xie Lian's hair, at the back of his head, sending shivers throughout the actor's entire body. Their mouths opened and their tongues timidly encountered, caressing each other gently.

If kissing was supposed to feel like this, then Xie Lian had never truly kissed someone before.

Xie Lian's chest was exposed and Hua Cheng could feel the softness of his skin. Still, good things last short and cold reality started creeping from the corners of the director's mind to haunt him. He interrupted the kiss and stuck his face in Xie Lian's neck, trying to regain his control, and stayed like that for a while.

Xie Lian was overpowered by that hug, the kiss, the touch. It felt warm, it felt safe, it felt... Well, it felt like everything he was looking for and could not find. It was so comfortable as if nothing else mattered. Standing in this embrace, he actually felt empowered. He started to think that maybe he could talk to his father, maybe he could show himself to the world.

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