Chapter XLIII

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It was almost certain that Feng Xin would get his first complaints from making too much noise that night.

"Goddamit, Mu Qing! That's so disgusting, you spat all over my face. Shit!" Feng Xin was cussing loud and stood up to get a hand towel.

Mu Qing drank whatever small amount of liquid was left in his mouth and coughed twice. Seconds ago, he just spat almost everything over the table, hitting Feng Xin in full. "Oh, now you say my spit is disgusting?"

Xie Lian was watching this bonfire lighting up because of his previous question, and he was enjoying it. Now, he widened his eyes. "Wow! So you two did kiss!!"

Mu Qing yelled "No!!"

Feng Xing commented casually "Yes..."

They exchanged annoyed looks.

"What are you saying?"

"Why are YOU denying?"

"I thought we weren't telling him!" Mu Qing could not avoid saying.

"He heard it! He just said it, he knows! What's the point of denying?" Feng Xin admitted defeat first.

Xie Lian leaned his elbows on top of the table and rested his face on his hands, blinking his eyes to Feng Xing. "Is he a good kisser, Feng Xin?"

Feng Xing felt his cheeks getting warm. "Well..."

"Don't 'Well...' him like that!" Mu Qing slapped the table, annoyed. "You're making him even more curious! To this, you must tell him YES!"

Xie Lian now clapped his hands excitedly. "Oh! How interesting! Did you do other things too? I actually wanted somebody to talk about how San Lang and I..."

"STOP!!" Their combined scream echoed across the apartment.

"Okay." Xie Lian took a deep breath and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Then, would you two please enlighten me on what on Earth happened?"

"We are..." Mu Qing started saying but his voice faded mid-sentence.

Feng Xing completed "... still figuring out." He cleared his throat and spoke behind his hand. "But, yeah, this idiot was the one to do it.

Mu Qing also crossed his arms, then turned his head to the side like an angry child. "I wasn't the one to start it."

It was then that Xie Lian realized something. "My goodness, was I in your way all this time?"



"Don't say stupid things."

Feng Xin could not believe his ears. "This is completely unrelated to our years of friendship!"

But they all knew, in fact, it was not.

Xie Lian sighed and looked at his friends. "Are you two just, friends with credits? Is that what they call it?"

Mu Qing reached to play with his empty cup. "No, that's friends with benefits. And..."

Feng Xin stared at Mu Qing. "Are you going to answer him, Mu Qing?"

Mu Qing just felt himself reddening.

Feng Xin smiled and looked down. "Actually, I was the one to start it."

Xie Lian was really confused, so he just blinked and waited for someone else to continue.

Feng Xin did. "I told him I had feelings for him on the day of our prom night."

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