Chapter XV

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Hua Cheng and Xie Lian stood in line as there was no other choice, that was the only way inside the venue. They finally approached the actual entrance and saw that a hired photographer was taking pictures of all the guests. Now it was their time to enter. "Make a pose! Aren't you a couple? Come closer to each other, please."

How on Earth does someone just assumes you are a couple like that? Xie Lian wanted to dig a hole and jump in. He froze and felt his cheeks getting hotter.

"C'mong, Gege, quick, I wanna go inside." Hua Cheng placed his hand behind Xie Lian's back very respectfully and made a peace sign.

Xie Lian would never ever again want to see what came out of that, he had no idea what his face came out like. He was seeing two green balls when he blinked now, after the photo was taken, but just like that, they were in.

The hall was huge, colorful fabric was hanging from the corners to the center of the place, causing the impression they were inside a tent. There were many plants and tapestry decorating it, also couches and tables spread all around, some even serving beautiful foods and drinks, in addition to a big dancefloor in the middle. People were still entering, so it looked a bit empty. But judging from the size of the queue outside, this would soon be packed. A big double-door like a portal led to an open-air terrace, where a few benches and smoking spots allowed the guests to refresh for a bit or rest their ears when the music would get too loud.

They were walking around and exploring but Hua Cheng noticed something was off. "Gege, can we go outside? It seems there is a garden over there."

Xie Lian was still thinking about the photographer's comment just before. Why did he think they were a couple? Were his feelings for San Lang so obvious? Was it how he behaved? Was it San Lang's fault?

Seeing him like that, Hua Cheng wanted to say something but was not sure how to approach it. "Gege, are you upset because of my surprise? We can leave if you want." They walked over to a corner and looked at the city view.

"No, no, I'm not upset. I'm glad you showed up when you did, San Lang, I just wish you didn't have to see that..." Xie Lian realized he was being too self-centered and passing on a wrong message. He was happy to be here with Hua Cheng after all.

"That guy, was he your..." Hua Cheng really wanted to know but did not want to push in too much.

"He's kind of an old acquaintance. We went out a few times. We met at the audition for the imperial play actually. He seemed fun at first and I dove in head on, maybe it was too fast. I had no idea what I was doing and then..."

"He got too carried away."

"Yeah, but not as you may think. He was caring and kind, as long as my focus was him. I started feeling suffocated, especially since my relationship with my parents is really a delicate subject. They didn't know we were going out at the time."

Hua Cheng could feel the tension in Xie Lian's voice getting stronger.

"Also, my father's health was in a poor condition, it still is. One day Jun Wu showed up, we had a fight because he didn't feel I was taking him as seriously as he felt he deserved, so he kissed me in front of my house." Xie Lian was looking at the black sky while talking. He sighed. "It wasn't a kiss, it was more like he stuck his face into mine. It felt awful. Still, my father saw it. He came out to say he was feeling a numbness in his arm but when he saw that, he just dropped to the ground." He stopped talking and looked down.

"It wasn't your fault, Gege. And had I known that guy did this, I would have..."

"It kind of was my fault. Maybe if I had done things differently with Jun Wu, or if I have tried talking to my parents before. But they never listen, they have this preconceived notion of what I should and shouldn't do and I can't deal with that, so we never really understand each other." Xie Lian started spitting it all out nonstop. "At the same time, I feel I can't just walk out and leave them because, what if father is ill again? My mom would freak out. Besides, they help me financially." He stopped and stared at San Lang. The director's visible eye was watching him intently, and Xie Lian could not hold it back. "Oh, I'm a mess, San Lang, why am I even telling you this..." He hid his face in his hands and felt his eyes a bit wet. Why did he expose himself like that in front of San Lang? This was definitely worse than being seen naked.

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