Chapter XXXI: NSFW

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Mu Qing spent the entire day making an effort to think about Xie Lian. Yeah, Hua Cheng was suspicious and he did worry about his intentions. Still, Mu Qing knew himself to be guilty from going too far and intruding his friend's life, although he would not admit to it out loud. So he spent his Saturday actively trying to find a way to make it up to his friend.

Honestly, all of that was just him putting a lot of effort in restraining his mind from drifting to another path. Mu Qing dreaded the separation of his group of friends and by continuously thinking about it was causing him to suffer over fading colors. However, since the graduation ball, "an ending ceremony" for his previous life, a new possibility was presented to him.

Unprovoked, it gained life and started bubbling. Undiscovered, exciting, hopeful. It was a fresh feeling, very much green. Perhaps this whole new path could be a good competition for that unpleasant feeling of before?

Yet, there was a risk of desecrating his falling childhood friendships even more and ruining everything. That was why Mu Qing wanted to stop thinking about him, or it, or they, and focus on finding a way to compensate Xie Lian.

He spent the day at his office, organizing old files and looking into a new case. As he went around his desk, he hit a folder and it fell on the floor. He reached to pick it up and noticed these were papers regarding the investigation with his partner.

That folder gave him an idea. Mu Qing was craving for food and also for some social contact from staying there the entire day. He grabbed his keys and left.


Indescribable pleasure was definitely not what Xie Lian just felt as Hua Cheng reached forward and touched in between his legs. No, that pleasure was very describable, it was very real and completely paralyzing.

When San Lang kneeled in front of him, the actor was so worried about his makeup, he did not process what the director was saying.

"Nevermind your makeup, I won't be kissing your mouth."

Hua Cheng looked up at him and touched his pants, a tiny smirk showing up in the corner of his mouth. Xie Lian did not have the time to protest. The touch elicited a chain reaction inside his body, spreading from his skin to his insides, then up his chest... And left his lips in the form of a sweet moan.

He was startled, it was very spontaneous. "San Lang, what will you do? Not here, I can't..."

Hua Cheng shook his head from one side to the other and pressed his hand again as if diagnosing something. That sent more shivers into the poor actor's body, who flinched.

"Gege, you are flustered but I'm serious. I'm just trying to help." He sat back over his knees. "You are worried that people will see you like 'this', but it can be easily solved." Now, he went forward and reached for the button in Xie Lian's pants. "Why not relieve yourself, so you'll be relaxed for the naked scene? Hm?" He unbuttoned and dropped it to the floor. Then, he started massaging his Gege's erection on top of his underwear and looked up with a puppy eye. "Gege, can I help easing your concerns?"

Xie Lian has been flustered because of San Lang not only now, but since yesterday, then in the afternoon... Right now, he was a ticking bomb of tension and San Lang's hand pressing all the right spots in between his groin was completely overwhelming. "Okay, San Lang."

Hua Cheng smiled, proud of his persuasive powers. "Really? Can I lower this then?"

"Uhum, but maybe you would like to sit on... Ohhh!" Xie Lian was expecting San Lang to use his hands, like they did in the apartment that time, and that would be a huge favor already.

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