Chapter XIV

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Jun Wu was seeing red. He was so angry and jealous he could not think of what to say, so he just went with, "Who are you to speak for him, his boyfriend?" He knew that guy was not Xie Lian's boyfriend... right?

"He's not..." Xie Lian started saying but was cut by Hua Cheng.

"If he wants me to be."

It was like a bucket of ice was spilled on top of Jun Wu's head. He looked from Hua Cheng to Xie Lian and noticed the actor's face went blank. Good, so it must not be true... right?

"I think he knows how to stand up for himself just fine, he doesn't need a bodyguard." Jun Wu let go of the arm he was holding and walked to Hua Cheng.

They were almost the same height, so they fiercely stared at each other eye to eye. Hua Cheng barely moved his lips while saying, "I know he does, and he was doing just that when I arrived. But you were being so rude. Unless you can't hear properly, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Xie Lian was in shock from seeing Hua Cheng there. And in a suit! Why was he wearing a suit? He looked gorgeous by the way. Wait. With all this happening, how could Xie Lian notice this? He ran to the two tall men and pushed them apart, making space for him in between them.

"Jun Wu, could you please go? Thanks for... oh." He looked for the rose Jun Wu gave him but found it was destroyed on the ground. It was his fault, of course, for yanking Xie Lian's arm like that. Still, Xie Lian felt bad. "Thanks for coming and for the flower, but you should leave now. People will start staring, just go."

Jun Wu answered while still eyeing Hua Cheng. "Dianxia, you know how to reach me. I hope we can..."

"Don't come back." Jun Wu looked to Xie Lian now, who completed his sentence. "I mean it. There's nothing for you here."

Jun Wu stared at him like an abandoned puppy. Xie Lian could not sustain his gaze and just looked down. He did not want to be with Jun Wu, of course, but that did not mean he enjoyed breaking hearts.

"Dianxia, please..." Jun Wu started in a begging voice but was interrupted by Hua Cheng.

"You should scram before I decide to get my hands dirty."

Jun Wu threw him a hateful look and turned around. Xie Lian almost called for him, but that would knock down the effect of Hua Cheng's threat. Still surprised to see Hua Cheng there, Xie Lian was impressed by what the director said. "San Lang, did you mean it?"

"No, no, of course not." Hua Cheng meant fighting the guy. Xie Lian meant the boyfriend part just before.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Xie Lian covered his face and ran his hand through his hair. When he looked up, he could not believe his eyes.

Hua Cheng was smiling and finally showed the hand he was holding behind his back this whole time. It carried a bouquet of white carnations, bound together by a beautiful red, silk ribbon. "Congratulations for graduating."

Xie Lian's hands flew to his mouth and then reached for the flowers. "San Lang, this is beautiful..."

Right then, Jun Wu was about to turn the other corner before disappearing from view, but he looked back for one last glance. It was just in time to see Xie Lian opening the biggest smile he had ever seen. And it was not for him. He lowered his head and ran away.

Xie Lian could not hide his surprise. "How did you know today was..."

"You should go inside and change." Hua Cheng said while looking at the time. "We'll be late if we don't go now."

"Wait, wait, what do you mean?" Xie Lian almost dropped the flowers but Hua Cheng reached out to help and touched Xie Lian's hand unintentionally. Xie Lian felt an electric current spreading through his arm where San Lang just touched him. It did not matter where, he was definitely accompanying San Lang.

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