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29.June - Sunday

Unfortunately for them, the rain stopped only the next morning so their manager and trainer were pumped up to recover the lost time.

"Alright, guys, I know that we don't have much time left and it won't be easy but we gotta double for today in order to keep up the schedule." Said Gou looking over her list.

"Double?! But already our training was hard. How can we double that?!" Asked an agitated Nagisa.

"Exactly. You two made the regimen to span throughout the day. There is no more time for even more."

"Well, I did give you guys quite some breaks in between, so we can shorten the breaks a bit and put in a couple more exercises."

"Not that we don't appreciate the effort you two are putting in all this but... isn't that a bit extreme?" Asked Makoto nervously, looking at the two females.

"Look, I'll be there, along you guys, so, if I will be able to keep up with it, so can you. If I'll feel it's too much, we'll cut it short. But if we make it thoroughly, at the end of the day, I'll treat you for a little spa evening, what do you guys say?" Said Nayna

Hearing that, the boys got a bit more excited and motivated.

"Really, Nayna-chan?! So cool! We'll definitely make it!"

"Absolutely! Right Haru?" Said Makoto looking over at the numb dolphin.

"As long as I can be in water I'm happy." He said monotonously.

"You'll be able to stay in water there as much as you like." Said Nayna amused.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's get going!" Cheered Nagisa running towards the water.

"Nagisa, don't run ahead!" Shouted Rei after the blonde, they all followed, running into the water.

"You sure know how to motivate them." Said Gou surprised.

"They don't think more than Link, they act the same as him when they hear of any kind of treat." Said Nayna amused before running into the ocean after them, quickly catching up to them.

As the evening came, they all arrived back at their camp, one by one falling on the warm sand spent.

"Man, this was extreme..." Sighed Makoto.

"Sure was, but you all made it full, so congrats." Said Nayna walking in front of them.

"So we still get our prize?" Asked Nagisa happily.

"Well, you did complete your share of the deal, so, yes. If you are done resting, follow me."

They all cheered as they jumped to their feet following her.

She led them to the building, leaving them in the hands of the ladies there.

Later that evening, Nayna came back to pay for everything when she met the guys, they all leaving together.

"Oh, Haru-chan! What is Nayna-chan like?" Asked Nagisa suddenly making Nayna screech.

"What the heck!?" She said confused and disturbed looking at Nagisa then at Haru who locked eyes with her.

"Wolf." He said looking away.

At that, Nayna's eyes widened, shocked and confused.

"Mo, Haru-chan, wolves don't swim and she is an amazing swimmer."

"Actually, Nagisa, wolves are great swimmers." Said Nayna offended by the statement.

"Really!? You've seen wolves?"

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