46.How it should be (+18)

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That weekend, as promised, Rin was at Nayna's door with a change of clothes for the night.

Nayna opened the door with a smile, hugging him.

"Missed me so much already?" He grinned.

"Maybe..." She mumbled against his chest before they parted, entering her house.

"Hmm... Smells good." Said Rin as his nose was up getting the scent of her cooking.

"Dinner will be ready soon." She said amused making her way to the kitchen area to finish what she was doing. "Can you-"

"I got it." He said pecking her cheek as he started to get stuff out of cupboards to set the table.

As he was done, he sat down as she announced that dinner was done as she brought the food to the table.

"Man, this looks great." Drooled Rin looking at the meat.

"I don't need a pool in here, Red." She said amused as she looked at him digging right in.

They ate making some small talk or none at all as Rin was too concentrated on savouring the delicious food.

"You'll get fat if you'll go at it like that." She chuckled as he took another piece.

"You're fault that you cook so well." He said chewing. "You'd still love me even then, right?" He asked amused.

"Hm? Don't know. You and your abs were a package deal." She said amused, chuckling at the look he sent her.

"So you admit I'm hot." He said smugly.

"I never said that you're not. At least you got that going for you last year." She laughed.

"What? So if last year I would've asked you out you would have said no?" He asked amused.


"On what?"

"If you would've managed to do it right, without Sousuke." She said slyly.

Hearing her, Rin chocked, starting to chough aggressively before taking big gulps of water.

"Wait...y-you knew?" He asked shocked and worried.

"Not in the beginning. But I slowly figured it out. You were doing too well to know exactly what I like and want. And since I knew Sousuke and his... acquaintance...I figured that he was feeding you info." She said amused.

Rin looked at her intently before he looked at his plate in shame.

"Sorry, babe...I was just... I wanted to make it right... I didn't know if you would want to date me if...I mean...You seemed...I.." He blabbered before stopping himself, groaning as he pushed his plate away, hiding his face behind his arm he rested on the table. "Sorry..." He mumbled.

"Don't worry about it." Said Nayna amused. "I appreciate the effort though."

"Really?" Asked Rin looking up at her.

"Yeah, I should call Sousuke and thank him." She said with a shrug only to laugh when she saw Rin's look.

"Babe, you're killing me..." Murmured the redhead leaning his head against the table embarrassed.

"Calm down, I'm just kidding."

After they were done eating and with the dishes dealt with, Rin flopped lazily on her couch with a happy sigh, rubbing his stomach, melting into the cushions of the backrest of the couch.

"I could get used to this. What an idiot I was last time..." He sighed.

"You sure were." Said Nayna approaching the couch, Rin pulling her in his lap, caressing her shoulder. "I still don't understand why you were so worried back then." She wondered, tracing the lines of his shirt with her fingers.

Limitless (Rin Matsuoka x OC)Where stories live. Discover now