31.Forgotten moon

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Next day, after school, they all went to Samezuka for the joint practice.

"Hey, captain~" Said Nayna approaching Rin.

He looked over his shoulder at her with an impassive look but upon seeing her, he smirked.

"Good to see you could make it." He said turning to her before rubbing the back of his head and look away. "Sorry about the confusion. I only wanted a bit of help. I didn't mean to drag them too..." He said a bit annoyed at himself.

"Come on, I know you wanted to see them too. Otherwise you wold have been more adamant that it was a misunderstanding." She said amused.

"Tsk. I didn't want to cause you any problems." He said on a serious tone.

"I told you, you don't have to worry about me." She said softly.

"Still..." He said softly looking down at her as she played with the zipper of his jersey.

"Rin-chan!" Shouted Nagisa as he came into the pool area.

The two pulled apart, stepping away from each other as the Iwatobi team came in.

"It's so great to swim with you guys again." Said Nagisa happily.

"I thought you cut on his sugar with those diets." Whispered Rin.

"It's a work in progress." Whispered Nayna with a shrug.

"So, how will this practice go?" Asked Rei.

"I was thinking... Your trainer here has a very good eye and can actually improve the forms and put everyone in line, well, if she doesn't mind." Said Rin looking at Nayna with a smirk.

She looked at him for a moment, a blush appearing on her face.

"Uh...sure..." She said simply. "You and that damn smile of yours ..." She mumbled under her breath after the others left.

"Hm, what was that?" He said amused leaning to her level.

"Shut up..." She said embarrassed.

Rin looked st her confused a bit before placing his hand on her head stroking her hair a bit.

"Sorry for all the bother." He said on a serious tone.

"It's fine. Let's get going." She said finding herself a place from where she could watch everyone swimming, Rin by her side listening to what she had to say about each member of his team, intertwining here and there.

She watched as Sousuke jumped in and swam. Her eyes widened and straightened up from leaning against the wall looking at him.

"He's pretty good, right?" Said Rin watching his best friend too.

"Uh...Yeah...sure..." She said leaning back against the wall.

"I'll go too. Don't hold back on me." He said amused.

"Don't worry, I won't." She said amused too.

She continued to watch in silence only to see with the corner of her eye Sousuke approach her, her mood souring at the sight of the tall male.

"What? Came to threaten me aswell? Now that I'm dating Rin I might get in his way too?" She said coldly without looking at him.

"You should be more grateful. After all, I told Rin to grow a pair and ask you out." He said amused.

"Oh, my bad. I should practice my bow before you." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"You might not like me but we have something in common. We both want Rin to succeed." He said crossing his arms over his naked chest, looking away towards the pool at Rin swimming.

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