Chapter 39 -- "Come on, Baby."

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What is this??? Le upload??? WAT! But it's only been three day?! 

This for all them people who being ungrateful for uploads -.- saying shit about how long it takes me.... yes it sometimes takes me a month to upload-- but atlest I still do! Bruh, I have a life (Lel no, but I have Netflix) -- (Don't even have Netflix :/)

Load of people not happy with Chris in the last chappie... HMMMMMMmmmmmmm O.o Interstant O.o


Chapter 39

Chris' POV

I stared out into the calm nothing, a gentle breeze wafting by as I sat in the warm air out on my porch; the sky almost white from the light emitting from above. I took a deep, content breath as I sat barefoot on our outdoor sofa; watching the tall grass in front of my house sway in the light wind.

A small smile grazed my lips as I spotted two figures a few ways away in the tranquil meadow, both playing happily as I watched from afar. My smile grew as one picked up the other and placed them on their hip, pointing to me happily with the smaller figure in arm and waving with a smile.

I lazily waved back, continuing to merely watch as she twirled slightly on the spot and flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder in doing so, placing the toddler back on the ground and chasing him as he began to run after a spontaneous butterfly.

"You're a lucky man." Cody chuckled next to me, taking a sip of the coffee that Yvane had made for us both but a few minutes earlier. I nodded with a smile, watching my wife play with our child as my best friend and I sat on the light porch in content.

"That I am." I replied, feeling calm and at peace as I sat back in my seat and turned to my right where he sat on the adjoining sofa, "Jealous?"

He scoffed, "Yeah you caught me, after all these years I've been secretly lusting for you; please, be mine Christopher?"

He batted his eyelids exaggeratedly.

I couldn't help but laugh aloud, "I don't know, I mean; I've seen you in the morning."

"Shut up, you'd do well to end up with an ass like mine."

I smiled at his reply, "Sure."

"Chris, stop tempting my husband." A voice suddenly cut across, as Yvane stepped out of the house and came up behind us with a mug of coffee of her own. She was practically glowing, both members of the could wearing light clothing mixed in with a few navy pieces here and there; looking like members of some boy band (only with one female)

"Ah, leave him be. Nobody can resist my charms." Cody declared, as she came up next to me and squeezed my shoulder before making her way to crawl onto Cody's lap, "Especially you."

"Hmm..." She smiled, leaning over and kissing him, "That's true."

I smiled at their exchange, going back to watch the two figures playing a few ways away in tall grass. My heart swelled at the image, my smile growing as my son picked up a dead dandelion and my wife began blowing on it to make him laugh.

"It's good to have family, don't you think?" Yvane smiled, as she began to play lazily with Cody's short hair. I nodded at her words, watching mine in happiness with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, continuing to watch them as another dull breeze blew by causing the wind-chimes that had recently been installed to jingle. Watching my child play with a smile, a passing thought struck me as I realised Grace would love to be out playing with him. "Hey, where's--?"

Before I could finish my sentence, a thump and a loud cry tore through the calm atmosphere; causing my head to snap up at the noise and for my body to immediately tense. I stood in worry, scanning the surroundings but not finding the two figures anywhere in sight; my heart beginning to beat a mile a minute as I realised their sudden disappearance.

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