Chapter 41-1 -- Totally Worth It...

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Unedited so sorry for the crappyness, will probs go back to edit later. I literally just kept rewritting this chapter over and over again to try and get right- i think this is the closest I could've got.


Chapter 41-1

Danny's POV

2 years earlier

A far as I could tell, about a day had passed since Cody's death.

A whole day without that idiot's presence in the world.

A f***ing day too many.

I couldn't be sure of course, seeing as for the entirety of the time that he'd been dead I had a black bag over my head. But if my time management was as refined as it once was, it couldn't have been more than twenty-four hours since I'd been taken.

Taken to God knows where.

At first I had fought. The moment that I regained consciousness, being the moment where I kicked and screamed my head off. If the hits and grunts meant anything, I'd obviously gotten a few good whacks in before I was tackled to the ground and kicked black and blue; all the while with a bag around my head and my hands bound behind me.

I kinda stopped after that.

Backing down, I decided that the best course of action other than to fight was to stay quiet. These guys obviously took me for a reason- and in life, I learnt that the least amount of questions you answer the better. So if I could stay quiet, and not feed the fire in a sense, I'd at least say that I died with honour.

Or maybe a bit of it at least...

I never entertained terrorists before, so why should I start now?

From the little amount of silhouettes and lighting that I could make out from behind the bag, I'd say that for the past twenty-one hours I'd been sitting within an interrogation room; still wearing my stained clothes and sporting countless bruises and injuries. Whenever I blinked or licked my dry lips, I could feel and taste the dried blood on my face (Not all of it mine), and so deduced that I wasn't exactly in the best of shapes. I had a concussion at the least, having run on pure adrenaline for the past twenty-four hours until it all finally began to dwindle while the fog and pain began to re-appear. When would I be able to live a normal life? Was it even possible to do so anymore?

Perhaps this was my punishment...

I've never been a religious woman, however the amount of sins that I have committed in the past five years alone is enough to pretty much guarantee me a place at Satan's personal petting zoo (Heck maybe as the main attraction). If all of that crap ends up being true and there is such a thing as Heaven and Hell, God and Satan, then maybe this is my Karma in a sense. For all the crap I did and for all the pain I caused.

It's not like I haven't tried to redeem myself- helping others, doing what I can for those who are less fortunate... after I returned to civilian life that's all I've been trying to do. But maybe some sins are just too large to beredeemed. I guess some things can't be white washed or brushed under the carpet.

Some things just don't go away.

I know I haven't always made the right decisions in my life. Whether I was wrong or I was right, might not even matter in the end. However, confronting my sins like this and ending up in this situation, having all of my decisions round up to this last single event; today, having someone to protect, having someone to most likely die for...

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