Chapter 43-- What had happened to my English?

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Chapter 43

Chris' POV

"Come on, Sitka. You owe me on this one." I warned, glaring slightly at the neighbouring leader of the Junjou pack who resided around two states west from Whitburn.

He shook his head, "Not this much, man. This is full on war you're talking about. Half of my men are guaranteed to be wiped out and that's not counting the aftermath of suicide from widowed mates. I've got families to think about--"

"--And you don't think I do to?" I seethed across, my glare becoming more pronounced as he merely drew his hands up in a show of no harm. "You do this and we can strengthen both our packs defences. Heck I'll send you some of my men if you need it. Weapons and ammo are all I need Sitka and I know you have a shit load."

"I'm sorry, Childes-- it's just a risk I can't take."

"Usui..." I muttered, staring to rub the bridge of my nose with frustration as I began to feel desperate for any help at this point, "You know that coming after me is just a cover-up. The Court won't stop until each pack is either dead or back under the mainland's control-- and you know that won't happen without bloodshed. Why are you delaying the inevitable?"

"I'll take my chances." He stuck, sighing loudly before once again apologising, "Just try to take it easy okay, Chris? Just because I'm saying no to this doesn't mean I'm not your friend. Be safe. Take care of that mate of yours-- you're lucky to have her back."

"Yeah... you too, Sitka." I replied, before closing the video call and motioning to swipe left on the screen so that the holographic Skype would disappear from my desktop.

That was the fifth rejection I'd had in the past two weeks from possible allies, and I was fast running out of reliable friends I could call at this point. Turns out, planning for a war was hard.

"Come in." I called, as a knock sounded while I sorted through yet another enquiry letter from a neighbouring pack of the danger this would pose on their territory almost seven states away.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?"

I glanced up at the sound of Finn's voice, his presence spurring me to place down the papers and turn my attention solely on him, "Oh hey, yeah-- take a seat."

"Sure," He obliged, slowly approaching the chair across from me while starring in suspicion, "What's this about?"

"Can't I ask to speak to my friend?"

He shrugged, lowering himself into the seat, "Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that this is the first time you've actually spoken to me for the past six months."

"...You got me there."

"So what's up, man? With Danny back I'd have thought you'd be bouncin' by now." He commented, propping his feet up on my desk and causing me to scowl in annoyance.

"Get your dirty ass feat off my desk, Marbhan. When you can afford to replace it then you can play with it."

He made a face, dropping his legs back on the ground while rolling his eyes, "Oh la la, sorry, Alpha-- Jesus what's climbed up your arse and died? Danny's back man! Rejoice! Throw a party! I mean you've shown your face to the world like twice in the past week, must mean that something's stirrin' in that brain of yours. What's going on, Hermit? Quite frankly you're starting to smell worse than my Aunt--"

"--Finn! Just..." I cut across, running a hand down my face in frustration as I attempted to reign in my anger for what was about to come, "...Just shut up for a minute, okay? I asked you to come here for a reason. Not to insult my lifestyle."

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