Chapter 3 -- "Your obsession with dogs is concerning."

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Chapter 3

"Oh my God!"

Jolting awake with an unattractive snort I bolted up to a seat in bed, instantly regretting my actions as the room began to spin in protest. Groaning, I cradled my tender head and nursed the hard lump that had formed on the side of my skull; struggling to piece together what was happening and why I was in so much pain. Had I been drinking?

Racking my memory of what could have caused such a smack, it took a solid few seconds of deep thought before a mental dam suddenly burst and everything that had happened came flooding back.

All thoughts about my aching head flew out the window as I hurriedly began to search the room for anything out of the ordinary, i.e., one vampire. But nothing seemed out of place, the only thing of note being the daylight now bleeding through from the tall curtains of my bedroom.

How long was I out?

"Lilly?" I called out, listening out for my little sister who was out of sight. Was she alright?

"You cleaned!" She yelled in reply from further into the flat.


Scrambling from bed, I kicked off the duvet with a surprising amount of struggle before rushing barefooted out my room and beelining to the glaringly spotless kitchen. No dishes in the drying rack, clean tea towel on the counter—heck, even the dog bowls had been replenished. "What in the world...?"

"Couldn't sleep last night?" She asked cheerfully, either completely ignoring my confusion or fully unaware of it as she grabbed a box of cornflakes from one of the overhead cabinets. Too befuddled to answer, I stared at the sparkling countertop of my kitchen island transfixed. Did Dracula do this?

Why would he...?

"-- say Jess was back?" I vaguely heard her ask as I was too preoccupied wrapping my head around the situation to listen, "Danny?"

"Hmm?" I asked, snapping out of my daze. Still processing it all, I came to the realisation that he could still be in the apartment somewhere.

"I asked, when's Jess back?" She smiled, pouring herself a bowl of cereal.

Discretely taking a step back to investigate the living room, a quick scan revealed it to be empty, "Oh um, Ruby's bringing her this afternoon. Wanted to impress some guy or something... Lilly, what's going on? What happened last night?"

She looked up puzzled, "What do you mean, what happened?"

"You know, after I passed out?"

Putting the cereal back in the cabinet she turned to me confused, "You passed out? Wait, when?

"You were there! You were right in front of me," I countered, my mind reeling even further as her words confused me more and more.

"No, you didn't... or at least I didn't notice if you did. As far as I could tell you were right as rain the whole night. When did you pass out?" She asked concerned, sitting down on one of the several tall stools I had by the island.

Did she not remember? But...

I stared at her in disbelief as she picked up her spoon and began to eat casually without a care in the world, "Lilly, what did we do last night?"

"What? Danny, are you okay? What's up with you?" She asked, a slight chuckle leaving her lips as she looked at me in a mixture of concern and humour, "Did you hit the tequila or something after I went to bed? You're never like this."

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