Chapter 26 -- Cat Tutu's

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Chapter 26



I pouted "Oh Yvane, COME ON!"



"I said no, Danny; Doctor's orders. You have to stay in bed and rest like a normal person. No, gallivanting around like a lunatic; like you usually do?" She repeated, gathering up her medical supplies and collecting them into her medi-bag.

"More like Chris's orders," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest and huffing loudly. "I mean, it's been three days! How long does he expect me to stay in bed for?"

She shrugged, "Until you get the stupid idea of going down stairs to confront Tinsley out of your head."

"Pfft, I wasn't going to do that." I lied, not looking her in the eyes as I lay back in Chris's bed with the telly on mute in the background. There is VERY little to do in his room while confined to his bed, trust me.

Especially when he's not here.

Wait... no, that sounded wrong.

"Yeah, right. Just stay here and try to get some sleep. I'll be back in a few hours with more pain meds."

I threw my arms down on the mattress next to me, huffing in frustration "I'm not in pain! I'm fine, how many times do I have to tell you people?!"

"Until we believe you. Don't think I haven't noticed what happens every time you move your leg. Or when you try and hold things with your fingers. Danny you can't even use the TV remote without making a face." She denied, gesturing towards the telly to point it out. Some weird show about crocheting was on since it did in fact hurt too much to change. But I wasn't going to tell her that!

"Not true. I happen to love crochet." I defended, lying through my teeth and by the look she was giving me she knew it to. "... Okay fine! So it hurts a little when I move my fingers too much. So what? I can still get up and move you know."

She rolled her eyes "Yeah, barely. Just please, stay in bed and try not to move too much, okay? Chris'll be back in a couple of hours so just, I don't know, amuse yourself."

"I'll amuse your face in a bit." I muttered, shifting about in the bed so I could get more comfortable. As she turned away, I remembered about the telly and turned to her quickly "Yvane, wait!"

She sighed and turned "What?"

"... Can you turn the channel for me?"

Once the channel had been changed and Yvane had left the room, I was left all by my lonesome; sulking to myself as I felt annoyingly lonely in my room.  Chris was away doing God knows what, but fair play to him he did stay with me the entire next day of my attack. Although after that, I'd hardly caught a glimpse of him, only snatches when I was half asleep due to medication which was pumping in my arm from an IV next to the bed. Speaking of IV...

"Damn thing." I muttered, as it kept limiting my arm movement. Huffing once more out of frustration, I spied Chris's camera that I had gotten him Christmas on the desk a few feet away. Not wanting to get on my feet as Yvane could probably hear it from whatever part of the house she was in, I stretched body in an attempt to reach it; ending up half way out of bed with my upper body dangling off the side.

After a couple of seconds I finally managed to reach, and once it was grabbed I slumped back on the bed out of breath and sweaty. God dammit. If I couldn't even stretch without getting out of breath, how could I get down stairs and into the cellar to interrogate Tinsel tree in one piece?

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