Chapter 35 -- "What now you're a snake?"

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"Hey, are you okay? Out of a scale of one to ten how much does it hurt?"

"F***ing ELEVEN!" I grunted out, curling into myself as the main thing I began to hear was my heart-beat in my own ears. I had no idea what was happening but I could honestly say I was not enjoying it, "Oh God!"

"Yvane! Grace keeps--" Cody suddenly cut-across, stepping into the room and freezing up when seeing my curled up figure. I didn't think much of it at the time, however after a few moments of silence I dared to glance up at the man with clenched teeth. He merely stood at the door way with his arms limp at his side, "Yvane... call Chris."

She merely looked up from her equipment with a panicked/ confused look, "What?"

"Call Chris... and lock the door until he arrives."

"Cody, now is not the time for joking--"

"Honey, she's in heat."

Chapter 35




"Where is she?!" I heard as a body practically threw themselves into the room about twenty minutes later, my body whimpering in its sweaty, curled up state. The pain subsided almost instantly as Chris practically sprinted to the bed and collapsed on his knees next to me; hands frantically going to brush my sticky hair out of my forehead. "Shit. How is this possible?"

Pretty sure he was talking to Yvane.

"I have no idea!" Yvane replied, slowly pacing the room. "I mean, we talked about the possibility but... Chris, this is unheard of. Are you sure she's not, I don't know, a shifter in disguise or something?"

"What do you think?" he replied sarcastically, turning back to me as I shifted slightly to get closer to him while simultaneously ignoring their conversation. I was in pain; I couldn't care less about what they were talking about. Although, instead of pleasure I felt more relief this time around when I was near him; a feeling that I predicted would change very quickly.

"I. Don't. Know. No one knows! This has never... I mean... Ugh! We don't know how to stop it, we don't even know if the same thing goes with humans; and anyway you've probably already had sex by now so it can't be--"

"Yvane, get out..."

She paused mid-step, "...Huh?"

"Yvane, as your Alpha I'm ordering you to get out right now!" He suddenly yelled, causing me to jump slightly and whimper; but almost dreadingly not in pain. The fact that he called himself Alpha for whatever reason triggered something inside me which instantly took away the agony I was in and replaced it with something very, VERY different. A few seconds later the door softly shut, and at the sound it's like my body instantly went into hyper-drive.

My entire body began to thrum in pleasure with my heart pounding so hard I could feel it in my ears, as my arm snagged around Chris' neck and my lips began travelling up the base of his throat. My mind became clouded, as all I could think about was how much I loved this man in front of me and how much I wanted him to prove to me that he loved me back on the same level.

He seemed to react instantly, tensing slightly as my mouth found the hollow beneath his ear and nibble at it as his stubbled jaw tickled my cheek. His hands began sliding up my thighs, as still on the floor on his knees, he turned and captured my lips in his before quickly taking control; the intensity of the kiss making me think that if I was standing my knees would've buckled. A low moan (which in hindsight was kind of embarrassing in volume) sounded from the base of my throat as he slowly climbed up on top of me without breaking contact; my mouth opening slightly and allowing his tongue to dive in and enhance my burning ache.

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