Chapter 12.II -- "A woman named Karen made it."

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Chapter 12 - 2

Danny's POV

"-- and that's why I only ever use onion powder," Lucy finished, turning the key to the front door and stepping into the foyer with me in tow. I followed flabbergasted, my eyes wide in disbelief as she finished her story.

"That's actually mad!" I uttered perplexed, trying to wrap my head around what I'd heard, "And you did that twice?"

"Three times, if you count the sauna."

I slowly nodded understandably, "Jesus. Honestly, Lucy. I had no idea you had it in you."

"Yep, they don't call me Loosey Lucy for no reason."

"People call you that?" I clarified, my nose scrunching up in distaste at the pretty unattractive nickname.

She shrugged nonchalantly with a teasing smile, "In some countries."

We'd been out shopping all morning to get Grace her last minute birthday presents, and in that time I'd learnt more about Lucy than I ever thought possible to learn about another person in such a short amount of time. We actually had a lot in common, and I'd definitely developed a new found respect for the aspiring werewolf chef.

When I'd woken up that morning, I was so excited at the prospect of being able to leave the house I just grabbed the first person I saw, and Lucy happened to be the lucky winner. I showered, dressed up and even did my hair and make-up for the first time in weeks. I didn't care if it was just for the mall, the mere excuse to go outside and see civilisation gave me enough incentive to dress as if I was off to host the BAFTAs.

"Ah, home sweet home," I sighed dramatically once the Australian had shut the door, lifting my sunglasses to rest on my head as I adjusted back to the indoor lighting. A far cry from last night, it was actually pretty warm out today with the sun making a rare appearance for once. My loose navy button up was a good choice; however the same thing couldn't be said for my choice of footwear. After my pretty precarious walk from the car to the front door, I was quickly reminded that stilettos and a gravel driveway weren't exactly the best combo.

But words couldn't describe how much a trip to the outside world, even if just a brief one, had lifted my spirits. The mall we'd visited was small but convenient, and the tiny pocket of civilisation had felt almost surreal as we moved from shop to shop. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been starved from socialising for this long, and to say I'd made the most of it in the last three hours was putting it lightly.

Those shop assistants had no idea what hit them.

"Looks like the party's in full swing; you sure you're going to be okay?" Lucy commented, the sound of distant screaming children and party music serving as a predominant background noise.

My good mood pretty much swan dived at her words, the reminder of what waited for me just a doorway away reigniting my anxiety that I'd fought so hard to control. I gulped quietly and nodded hesitantly, plastering on a smile to keep face as I set down my shopping in order to adjust the handbag strap on my shoulder, "S-sure. Yvane explained the mix up, no big deal. Besides, you'll look after me... right?"

"Course! Stick with me, kid. I'll protect you."

For a moment my worries dimmed in intensity as I watched her take off her oversized denim jacket and hang it up on the pretty full coat rack hanging by the door. I couldn't help a sad smirk of amusement at her lame reply, deciding to play along with her offer, "Thanks, mom."

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