Chapter 6.3 - "A baby and a hat."

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Chapter 6.3

An entire week had passed since my arrival to what I found out was Ohio, and it was beginning to set in that this was in fact really happening. I spent the days mostly alone, occasionally calling Lilly for reassurance and napping for hours on end. It was honestly pathetic.

"Here," Christopher's voice suddenly broke through my train of thought, my entire body jumping as a familiar bag was suddenly thrust into my line of vision. I blinked before reaching out and grasping the straps with shaking hands, the after effects of the concussion still rearing their ugly heads.

"My bag..." I muttered incredulously, bringing it down to my lap as I looked up from my chair to the wolf-man who'd given it to me, "Where did you get this?"

"One of the boys picked it up when cleaning up the alley, it only just got back to the house," He replied, sitting down on the edge of my unmade bed and facing me fully as I clutched the bag tighter to my chest, "We found your gun too. Although I took the liberty and had it stored. Last thing we need is you doing something stupid."

I hadn't seen Christopher since he'd given me the Paroxetine, the sight of my kidnapper causing my heartbeat to stutter as speaking to him was rather surreal. My only company for the past few days had been exclusive to just Yvane with the occasional visit from Cody, the sight of someone other than the duo a bit of a shock to the system let alone having it be him.

His hair was significantly more dishevelled, still shaggy but definitely not as well kept. His facial hair had also grown in more prominently which paired with the dark circles beneath his tired eyes. Someone was having a bad week.

"Thanks," I eventually mumbled.

I unzipped the handbag to find my keys, glasses and phone, along with other knickknacks, all where I'd left them. It brought more comfort than I thought to see my possessions again, as I'd been borrowing other people's belongings since my arrival. I couldn't even be bothered to argue about my gun at this point, my body too drowsy to even contemplate the thought of raising my voice.

"Don't mention it," He replied lowly in return, "I've also recruited one of our scouts to go watch your sister in New York, he'll be leaving in the next couple of days."

"I want to meet him," I immediately responded, my gaze steady even in my fugue state as I held his eyes in order to convey that this wasn't a flippant issue.

He nodded, "I'll tell him to come to the house before he leaves."

Content with his response, I took the opportunity to look away. Even though I wasn't afraid to meet his eye, it didn't mean I was comfortable doing so. However, it didn't take long for his words to register, and my gaze quickly turned back to his as mild curiosity got the better of me, "What do you mean scouts...? Like Ocean's Eleven? Do you—do you rob banks in your free time?"

The idea of a group of werewolves robbing a bank wasn't exactly on my top ten of thoughts I predicted to be having this year.

"I don't think—"

Bringing my palm up, I rubbed the sore bruise that was still clearing up from around my eye, "—Actually, you know what? I don't even want to know. Just make sure you bring him here."

He stared at me with a weary eye, watching with one eyebrow raised as I continued to mess with my face and think about werewolf bank robbers, "How's your head?"

"Peachy," I scoffed quietly, bringing my hand back down and silently scolding myself for pestering my skin again. Everything was healing nicely and with the kick arse pain-killers I'd been put on, I was in a significantly less amount of pain. But everything still ached and had begun to itch like crazy. It took so much self-control for me not to scratch at the stitches in my scalp. I also knew for a fact that I wasn't exactly looking my finest at that moment, so asking how I was just tickled me the slightest bit more than necessary. How do you think I'm doing?

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