Chapter 16 -- "I need a drink."

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Chapter 16

"--And that is why I think it is the better option to take this route rather than to expand in that specific area." I finished, looking back up at the screen in front of me. The boardroom of men looked at their notes and made sounds of agreement while shifting through the papers.

"...What of the financial issues?" The producer asked, as he paced slightly in front of the desk. He was an attractive man of his age (Around 45 I'd say) currently funding a new action film that was coming out staring Asa Butterfield.

I was working from home after almost a month on leave. I just couldn't do it anymore-- not working. The boredom was driving me insane. The last three days had been Chris-less considering he was still highly peeved with me after the whole training debacle, Cody-less since he was helping Chris deal with the portal, and Yvane + Lucy-less due to Yvane being sick along with Grace-- resulting in the Australian looking after them both. So after almost an hour of trying to make it work I had finally managed to arrange a video conference between me and the office. It wasn't exactly a convenience but really it was all I could do from going mad.

Also it felt weird to dress up by myself to a camera being watched by a bunch of guys but I couldn't exactly wear a pair of trackies and a hoody while talking to them. So my hair was curled and I was wearing a stripy navy and white shirt covered in a navy sailor styled blazer and white pants. A bit excessive yes but even so I'd grown to miss dressing up for work. As girly as it sounds I loved getting up in the morning and choosing my fancy outfit. I never had that growing up and appreciated the luxury of having pretty things.

I tilted my head in thought "Yes it would cost slightly more but I believe the end result would make up for it and then some. The long term aspects seem to outweigh the short term in positive outcome."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, after scrutinizing the papers on the desk "If this doesn't work--"

"Then I will take full responsibility and you can contact my superiors." I shrugged, knowing full well that this was guaranteed to work. I just needed to stay in touch with my workers and have them email me everything for me to correct and comment on. I'd pick a team leader to run things in my absence and there we go, problem solved.

"Ah yes about that--"

"OH MY GOD IS THAT A PRODUCER?!" A screechy voice suddenly exploded from my side of the camera, effectively cutting off my boss Harry Cooper. Before I could even react I was violently shoved off Chris's computer chair and onto the hardwood ground of his study "Good evening! My name's Tinsley Monroe it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm an associate of Danielle's--"

"--TINSLEY!" I gasped in shock at her from the floor, trying to scramble up and get her away but she threw her high-heeled foot out and shoved my chest; effectively keeping me down.

"Um...Good evening?"

"--Tinsley this is not a joke!" I seethed, trying to claw her foot away as the six inch stiletto was digging painfully into my rib-cage.

"Thank you! Now, all pleasantries aside I have something to discuss. I can guarantee that I am PERFECT for any role in your film-- OW!"

I didn't have any other options. I applied pressure to her leg nerve causing it to go limp and me to grab it before shoving it away from my body. I quickly grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the computer screen.

"I'm terribly sorry about that gentlemen but could you wait while I sort something out, thank you!" I rushed out quickly, only managing to get on my knees and lean over the keyboard to look at them before hitting spacebar and causing the slides and promotional ads to pop up to distract the meeting.

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