Chapter 31.II -- "I begged for Sanctuary."

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Chapter 31 PART II


"Get up." A voice ordered, stirring me from my deep sleep. I groaned and moaned in annoyance before turning on my side; deciding that it was too early to wake up...

"I said get up." The voice repeated, before a swift blow was landed to my abdomen which woke me up indefinitely. I coughed from the sudden force of pain before groaning loudly, hugging my belly and rolling around.

"What was that for?" I moaned once the pain had faded and I had turned on my back, squinting up at the blurry silhouette of a man contrasting greatly with a bright, greenish background. Wait... why is it so bright in here? And who's this guy?

Oh wait...

"Get the hell up, we haven't got time for this." Finn replied, grabbing under my armpits and hauling me up to my shaky feet; earning a slight exclaim of surprise from my lips.

Once I found my footing, I brushed myself off and glared slightly at Finn's retreating figure; my mask digging into my chin slightly as it had fallen off my face and was now looped around my neck. I quickly removed it from my upper body and attached it to my black sheath quiver; which had fallen to the ground along with my bow.

Finally taking in my surroundings, my eyes widened slightly as I realised we were in a dense forest; the trees taller than I had ever seen before. The ground was littered with random roots that stuck out at impossible angles, the air felt humid and heavy with sun-rays breaking through the tree-line. Pinecones and dead rotting leaves crunched under my feet as I did a 360° turn, the forest seemingly never ending with bugs and birds filling the air with their calls; along with the whispers of leaves brushing against each other in the soft breeze above.

What the hell is this place?

"Hey wait up! What's going on? Where are we?" I shouted after him once all of my possessions had been looped over my back, jogging to catch up with the Irish man in motion.

He suddenly stopped and turned with an annoyed expression, "Where do you think we are, Danny?!"

Wow, mood swing much?

"I don't know, do I? I wouldn't ask if I did, idiot!" I shot back, losing patience with his attitude quickly.

He started to laugh sarcastically, "Oh that's rich coming from you! It's because of you we're stuck here in the first place; well done, genius! Smart move!"

Oh crap...

"What?! How is this my fault?!"

"If you would've just helped me with the door like I told you to we'd be back in that room safe and sound right now. But no, you had to get dragged into the mirror like the stupid human you are, didn't you?!"

I'm fairly sure that's racist...

I took a step forward with narrowed eyes, "You pushed me!"

"Yeah, as if that was deliberate." He snorted, rolling his eyes before turning once more and moving away from the spot I woke up in.

"Oh... screw up!" I muttered, not being able to think of a better reply before trudging along after him through the forest floor. "Finn, seriously where the hell are we?"

"How should I know?"

"You're from here aren't you?!"

"So? You're from Earth! You're saying you know every bloody forest on your planet? Besides... I seriously doubt this is Ecrim. If it was, we'd be dead already. We've been out for a couple of hours." He replied, suddenly reaching out and snapping an arm off a nearby tree. He carried on doing so until his arms were filled with wood.

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