Chapter 19 -- "...You became a pirate?"

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Chapter 19

"Merry Christmas!" An annoying voice yelled loudly, stirring me out of my sleep. After the events of last night I went straight to bed exhausted, assured by Chris that the crazy Irish man down stairs was in a forced-coma and even if he did wake up he was bolted down and the door was locked and sealed. So the next morning, one could say I was a little grumpy.

I groaned loudly and turned over, bringing the quilt over my eyes in the process. What time was it...? "No."

"Oh come on, get up! It's CHRISTMAS!" They sang, before coming over and attempting to grab my sheets. My irritability grew tenfold, my head hurting and eyes groggy. I was not in the mood and I didn't care if Gandhi had come back and figured out the cure for world hunger, I was not getting out of the bed.

"I said no." I repeated moodily, tucking my head underneath the pillow. They had better go away in the next ten seconds or I swear to God all of hell would pay.

"Oh come on!" They replied, getting on my last effin' nerves. Couldn't they say anything else other than 'Come on'? "Come on-"

Feeling my annoyance reach its peak I ended up snatching my gun from underneath my pillow and sitting up with it pointed straight at the blonde's forehead, mere inches away from her face. My hair was probably a mess and my make-up smudged. All that along with my old white tank top (My brother's T-Shirt was in the wash) and a gun in my hand I think I scared her enough to step back slightly.

"Tinsley I swear in the name of Jesus Christ if you don't leave my room in the next five seconds I will shoot you right here." I said seriously, my eyes narrowed slightly and my voice surprisingly strong for the morning.

She stared wide eyed at me for a few seconds "...You sleep with a gun?"

"NOW!" I snapped, causing her to squeak and scramble out of the room. I gazed at the door for a few moments before letting out a breath and collapsing back onto the bed, my gun lying next to me. I needed to start talking to my therapist again. I felt my eyes drift back down and my anger slowly melt away with the feeling of relaxation as my body went back to dreamland.

Nothing could've gotten me out of that bed in that moment...

...Well except--

"Ugh." I muttered, debating whether or not to move but giving up and throwing the covers off before padding my way into the adjoining toilet with my eyes half closed. My legs grew goose-bumps at the exposed air, making me regret wearing shorts to bed.

I needed to pee.

Once I did my business and washed up my face I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair back into a loose bun, stretching in the mirror as I did causing my tank top to rise and show my stomach slightly. Making a satisfied noise that can only be achieved by stretching I exited the bathroom, scratching my butt like the lady I am on the way.

I was awake at that point so once I reached my bed I did the rare notion of starting to make it, grabbing my gun and putting it back underneath my pillow like I do every night. Hey if I was sleeping in a house full of super-natural creatures I wasn't going to sleep unarmed.

Reaching down I smoothed out the comforter and stretched to throw the side over the edge, making sure it was even. Hey it's Christmas, Jesus would've wanted me to make sure my bed was tidy on his birthday.

"Ehem." Someone suddenly coughed from the doorway, causing my head to snap up and see who it was. Chris was outside, watching me while leaning on his cane with a small smile. "Hey."

"Hey." I smiled in return, looking at him for a moment before going back to my bed making skills. I was glad he was back to his cane, even if it was just in the morning and if I'm honest he looked good in his plaid pyjama bottoms and white t-shirt.

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