Chapter 28 -- "I was deemed 'mentally unstable'."

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IMPORTANT : IF NOT RECENT READER, Has been established that FINN HEYWOOD'S species is called Marbhán(s) cus I edited it. FUN FACT! Marbhán means corpse/dead man in Irish Gaellic! Dat is all.

Chapter 28


I peeked around the corner of the wall, my gun digging into my lower back slightly from its position in my waistband with my body practically plastered against the wall. Spotting Chris' guards, I counted the amount (three, all together), and quickly made my way back to the kitchen; making sure that all of the doors on the way were open and that I had the key-card which I had previously obtained from a rather sleepily Yvane (Nothing to do with the sleeping pills I'd slipped into her water bottle, of course...)

Once there, I located the packet of matches within one of the drawers along with a pair of barbeque tongs. Dashing my way upstairs I located an old jumper of mine and returned back to the kitchen, finding the fire alarm and climbing on top of the counter to reach it.

Lighting a match, I held it up to the jumper which was held by the tongs and effectively light it on fire, the flames being slow at first but slowly growing. Once it was a substantial amount, I held it up against the alarm as close as possible for a few seconds; the warning system coming on but a few seconds later.

The sirens blasted throughout the house along with the basement complex, as I quickly jumped down from the counter and insured that the jumper was widely spread. The burning mixed with my scent would trigger their nostrils and hopefully send the running (Towards me of course). Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I took a deep breath and screamed.

"Oh my god, HELP! HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking slightly at the end from the volume which gave it a nice touch. Considering they were wolves, they could most probably hear me from a mile away-- so I quickly dashed up stairs with the jumper in hand and threw myself into my room; turning and locking the door behind me after I waved the jumper about a bit in front of my door. I grabbed my metal bin in which I had emptied earlier with speed, dragging it to the middle of the room and dumping the jumper in unceremoniously.

Once that was sorted, I turned back to the door and to the large wardrobe I had 'conveniently' moved earlier, pushing with all my might at its side until it dragged and groaned its way in front of the door. Alarms still blaring, I screamed once more for affect and ensured that the fire was controlled before running to the window, hearing banging and shouting on my blocked door.

Sliding open the now unlocked windows which had once trapped me within the house when I first came here, I slowly slid them open and sat on the sill before slipping out; finding my footing as I stood up from the base on the second story room. I didn't have a lot of time, as one of them would be attempting to get my window open and save me in a few short moments.

You're probably wondering why I'm starting fake fires and climbing out of windows all of the sudden; well I'll tell you, it all started a few days ago...

Four days earlier...

"I don't understand... why are you going exactly?" I repeated hugging the blanket closer around my shoulders as I watched Chris pack his bags from the doorway within his room. It had been a few weeks since the 'incident' and I was now well enough to walk around by myself and not fall asleep every few minutes; which I was taking full advantage of. I mean some of my plants from Christmas were starting to grow!

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