Chapter 15 -- "Turn on the light."

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Chapter 15

"...Well is it invisible or should I be worried?" I stated awkwardly, staring at the empty cage in front of me. That was a bit of an anti-climax, where was it? Actually was it invisible? If so that was rather dangerous... Oh my god was it air! Air can be really frightening...right?

"What?" The stranger asked, confusion in his eyes as looked down and noticed the creature's absence "Oh no..."

"McLaren, where is it?" Christopher asked, but it sounded more like a warning. Something was wrong...

"I-it was right here! It must've gotten out when--"

"McLaren you have one minute to find it before I throw your ass into the cells." He cut off, sounding more peeved by the second. Wow was this thing that bad? Shit this really was a problem then...

"I'm sure it hasn't gotten far-- It was here when I got into the house I check--"

"OH MY GOD!" A high pitched voice suddenly screamed from another part of the house, followed by about four others. Everyone quickly whipped around and stared at the door for about half a second before scrambling towards the wails.

The screams lead us all to the kitchen where Yvane was clutching Grace closely to her chest and cowering in the corner along with Lucy and Frankie. Where'd she come from? Maybe she came in earlier... Anyway back to the matter at hand!

They were all screeching and staring at the breakfast bar where I had my first meal of bacon in this house, and following their gazes my eyes widened to about twice their size (Probably) at what I saw. No way...

"Aw!!!" I couldn't help but cry as I stared at the ball of fluff currently crawling on top of the counter, eating what seemed to be a load of biscuits. The bright blue fur contrasted greatly from the black granite worktop, as it waddled about on two legs underneath a fat fluffy body and head with no neck in-between. So basically it was a ball of blue fluff with legs, arms a mouth and two tiny black eyes.

"What?!" Cody exclaimed, looking at me like I was an idiot. "No! Not aw! That's a Grangerhorn!"

"But it's so fluffy!" I cooed in an over-exaggerative voice; the word fluffy sounding like 'floofee'. Slowly edging towards it I was bent over with my hands close together as if to hug it. You can't judge me the thing was so cute! It was currently sitting on a plate eating the last of what looked like a chocolate chip cookie; holding it with its tiny hands about the size of a 2p coin each.

 "Danielle get away from that it's the most dangerous thing in Ecrim." Chris hissed, grabbing my elbow to try and hold me back. I took a deep breath and straightened my back, looking at him with a dead-pan expression.

"The most dangerous thing from your world is the Cookie Monster," I stated, shoving off his hand and glaring at him "And get off I'm angry with you."

"What why?" He exclaimed, looking at me confused.

I shook my head "The worst part is that you don't even know."

"I--You know whatever, just don't go near that thing okay? Cody go get the tranqs and you go to the corner." He ordered, pointing at Cody and then at me and to the corner where the girls stood less frightened due to other people being in the room.

I gaped at him as Cody left the room and Chris continued to bark orders at the men. The shock of the cheek he had to order me to go stand in a corner seeping in before anger and annoyance quickly overcame it.

What right had he to treat me like some scolded dog? He was in no way superior to me and if he thought that then that opinion better change soon. I was sure as hell not going to 'go to the corner' and I like to believe I never will. The feeling of degradation was enough for me.

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