Chapter 22 -- It hurts.

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Chapter 22


It hurts.

That was all that was going through my head as I woke up. Although I couldn't move much, I still felt everything from throbbing in my head and hands, to the stinging in my chest and legs. I felt as if the entire world had been attacking me within my sleep, leaving me battered and bruised on the way. What had happened? Where was I?

Through my confusion and pain, but two things seem to stick in my head. The two most important things in my existence:



I had to get up.

From closed eyelids I saw what looked like a gleaming light flicker, as if someone was opening and closing drapes from within the room. My eyes blinked open, wincing slightly at the strange bright light above. Finding all the energy I could muster, I slowly sat up on what seemed to be a strange feathered bed above a shiny metal frame. What on...? What was this place?

Swinging my legs out slowly I noticed that I was barefooted with cloth wrapped around my abdomen, and my legs encased within soft, unfamiliar clothing. I attempted to stand on shaky legs, but felt a strange tugging within my arms; causing me to glance down and notice string like things attached to me. My eyes widened as I fought back the urge to vomit once I realised that they had been pierced into my skin, and in a panic, I ripped them out causing blood to splutter out of the holes. Who had done this to me? Surely the courts had not adapted to this sort of torture as of yet?

I stumbled away from the probable bed in practical fear, crashing into what looked like another metal like counter and causing dozens of glass objects and strange instruments to fall to the ground. What had they been doing to me in my sleep?

Grasping my bloodied arm I glanced around the encased room made of metal, trying my best to find the exit and having even harder trouble due to the abnormal flickering lights which seemed brighter that candle light. Trying to even my breath I continued to search but came out short. Surely there must be a way out of here? Or had they intended for me to starve?

After locating what seemed to be a part of the wall which stood slightly agar, I deducted (Or rather hoped) that it was a door which lead out of this torture chamber, and stumbled quickly towards it, stopping right in front of it and glancing back at the now dark room with a shudder.

Let us pray there won't be any guards outside.

Against my better judgment I burst out of the room, evaluating my surroundings and realising I seemed to be in an unguarded hallway. Although it contained considerably less metal than the room I was previously in, it still looked extremely strange and only partially light by little balls imbedded within the ground on the sides. Must be sorcery...

I spotted another partially agar door at the end of the long stretch of room, and glancing around to insure that no one would jump out and grab me I made my way towards it. Surely guards should be here? The courts had been after me for months, why would they let me roam to freely?

I felt blood drip down my forearm as it started to overflow my fingers, increasing moreover when I let go of my wound to support myself on the wall, leaving a bloody handprint as I started prying open the heavy door.

Once I had it open far enough for me to step out, I looked both ways before venturing out of the dark hallway. I still couldn't locate any guards which made me suspicious. This wasn't right... where was everyone?

Feeling my world dizzy slightly I staggered into the wall of another corridor, crying out as I. Once I gained my bearings I glanced behind me to see nothing but a hallway full of more ajar doors, and in front of me but a plain wall and what looked to be a turning a few yards away. The entire placed was dark now and only slightly illuminated as the previous hallway was.

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