Chapter 25 -- ...Perfect.

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What on Earth...? "...Lilly?"

There, in the tree line, I made out the distinct shape of my sixteen year old sister standing by her lonesome. I blinked several times to make sure she was there, and once I confirmed that she was I staggered slowly forward, trying to reach her. What was she doing here? "Lilly..."

It didn't even occur to me at the time that she wasn't pregnant.

Suddenly, she turned and made her way into the forest; leaving me confused as she went. Where was she going? She couldn't go in there, it was dangerous. She could get hurt. Or worse. I couldn't leave my baby sister...

So with my mind made, I followed her, picking up my pace slightly as I did. Now that worry had made its way into my system, the dizziness was the least of my problems. I had to make sure she came back... she didn't belong out here.

Once I broke the tree line and made my way into the forest, I spotted her a ways away walking deeper in; seemingly determined to get where she was heading, "Lilly!"

However, my shout came out as more of a breath as I staggered forwards, making my way from tree to tree and helping me to follow the blonde sixteen year old. What was she doing here? She shouldn't be in Ohio... she should be back in New York with that Toby. It was dangerous here. Dangerous...

After what felt like hours of walking and attempting to catch up with my always in front sister, I stumbled across the ten-foot wall which closed of the territory. However, the bit where I had reached seemed to have collapsed, leaving a great big massive hole in its way. My foggy brain tried to warn me not to go any further, however glancing up I saw Lilly just a little bit away, still walking forwards through the forest.

Stumbling with shaky feet I leaned heavily against the wall and tried to clear my head, looking after Lilly with half-closed eyelids "Lilly, stop. You shouldn't..."

She carried on.

So pushing off the wall, I followed for another God knows how many hours. It should've registered in my mind at that point that something was wrong, but the worry for my sister blinded everything else as I reached what seemed to be a clearing of some sort. Although on closer inspection I realized it was in fact a Cliffside, one I remembered looking at from my bedroom window the first time I arrived here. Stumbling onto the cliff I turned confused when I couldn't find Lilly. I could've sworn she came in this direction... Where did she go--?

"You know, you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were." A familiar voice suddenly called, causing me to spin around confused to see the last person I'd expect Lilly to know.

Ah crap.

Chapter 25


"... You and I both, mate." I muttered, as I stared at him while realizing what an idiot I'd been. How could I have been so stupid I... wait... why...?

Suddenly, the dizziness became too much as the entire world started to go topsy-turvy, causing me to stagger and fall to the side with only just managing to protect my body with my arms, "Oh I'd be careful, you don't look so good."

Looking up with half-closed eyes I was too late to notice him come up to my fallen form and kick me hard in the stomach, causing me to grunt in pain and fall flat on my face with an oomph.

Everything felt heavy as I was turned over in the mud to lie on my back and see my attackers face as they picked me up by the scruff of my neck and held me close "Didn't anyone tell you not to take drinks from strangers."

I spat in his face "F**k you, bastard."

The soldier threw me roughly back on the ground, the impact knocking the breath out of me and causing me to cough loudly afterwards; attempting to get the air back into my lungs. Damn that hurt...

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