Bonus POV -- Toby and Lilly

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Chapter 9

Toby's POV

"So, what do you think she'll be like?" I asked aloud as Richard and I rode the elevator up to the fifteenth floor with my rucksack hoisted over one shoulder. It had been a long drive and my back was definitely feeling the effects of being in such a cramped space for nearly nine hours. Hopefully I'd be able to go to bed and catch a few hours' sleep soon. It was getting dark out and even though the temptation to go out and explore the famous big apple nightlife was strong, I knew that my orders were to stay and protect Miss Perkins' sister.

Lord knows why.

"Middle-class pregnant sixteen-year-old from England, who lives in a penthouse in New York... What do you think?" He grumbled in return, sighing loudly and obviously not looking forward to the oncoming day as his job was to pack up some belongings and drive them all the way back to Ohio first thing, "What are we even doing here, man?"

"Lord knows," I shrugged, the elevator flashing that we'd just passed the eighth floor, "It's all for this Perkins lady. Hey, who is she anyway?"

"Don't ask." He replied, adjusting his own bag in hand as we carried on past the twelfth floor. I turned my head curiously and noticed him begin to subconsciously rub his now almost fully healed bruised cheek-bone, "She can pack a f*cking punch though, I'll give her that."

"I just don't get it. What's Chris doing keeping a human in the house?" I couldn't help but wonder aloud, my eyebrows furrowed as curiosity got the best of me and I tried to figure out what his motives were. There was no discernible reason for her to be there, let alone for him to send men out to protect her relative. It just didn't make any sense.

"Trust me, it's best to keep your nose out of it." He sighed, the elevator finally reaching the number fifteen and sliding the doors open. Stepping out onto a pretty fancy looking hallway, I was now ragingly curious to know who she was as we both began making our way to the addressed door before I heard Rich curse quietly next to me and stop.

"You okay?" I asked, turning to look at him as he began to tap his pants' pockets.

"Yeah, I think I left my cell in the car." He muttered, grumbling loudly before chucking over his rucksack, "Here take my bag, would you? I'll be back in five."

"Sure." I replied, hitching the second bag over my free shoulder as he began making his way back to the still open elevator doors.

"Keys are in the side pocket!"

"Got it!" I called over my shoulder, continuing on my journey to the apartment and mentally preparing myself for the next few months ahead. Reaching the large entrance to the apartment, I sighed as I began envisioning all the boring days of babysitting a rich girl that lay ahead.

Goodbye life.

Hitching my bag higher up my shoulder, I knocked loudly three times. She should hear that right? Or was a maid going to turn up? Or a butler? Not going to lie, that'd be pretty epic.

But no one came.

"Come on." I muttered more to myself, knocking once again as I waited for any discernible trace of life. Had she gone out?

Shit, had she gone into labour?

After a few more knocks and a few more minutes of an unanswered door, I decided to Hell with it and quickly fished for the keys in Rich's side pocket. Shifting them in hand I inserted the keys into the high lock and turned, the door popping open with no problem as I tentatively stuck my head through the door, "Hello? Anyone home?"

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