Chapter 6.2 - "The other day I was kidnapped."

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Chapter 6

After calling my superiors and feigning a family emergency for my sudden absence from work, I tiredly dragged the heavy chair out of the corner to sit by the window and stare depressingly at the trees outside. It felt melodramatic even for me, but the prospect of potentially losing my job on top of all of this was just the cherry on top of an already shit Sunday.

I seriously doubted I could pull the sick relative card for more than a couple of weeks, let alone a few months.

Letting out a controlled breath, I gingerly sat down onto the cushioned seat with a painful wince. The last couple of days were catching up with me.

I opened the water bottle that the man introduced as Cody had left me, immediately gulping down half of its contents, alongside two Tylenols. The feeling of something in my stomach was better than nothing, even if it was just water.

I wasn't exactly sure what time it was, but it was late from how suddenly dark the sky had gotten. I didn't remember falling asleep but seemingly one dreary blink later, the sun was high over the horizon and my entire body was stiff.

The sound of a quiet knock stirred me awake.

Jumping in my seat, it took a moment to register where I was before my chest instinctively tightened. I turned to stare at the door in dread, breath held as I waited to see what would happen next.

Several seconds of silence passed, and I almost considered ignoring it.

But realistically was that even possible?

Gulping, I slowly stretched my body to a stand with several groans of painful protest. I tentatively stumbled to the door, the room spinning as I held on to the bed frame for support.

Swallowing back a bought of growing nausea, I reached my targeted destination but hesitated, cautiously pressing my ear against the wooden door and listening out for any tell-tale indicators of who it could be.

Continued silence greeted me in return, so with a shaky breath I gingerly clasped the handle and gently pulled it open. Creaking on its hinges, I winced in anticipation as I shifted my weight to be on guard to whomever was visiting, but surprisingly no one was there.

After confirming that it was in fact vacant, I briefly considered if I had made the knock up, or alternatively had been door-bell ditched in a werewolf house. However, the sight of something in my lower peripheral eventually brought my gaze down to a tray of food lying unceremoniously in the middle of the hallway.

Swallowing to alleviate my dry mouth, the heavenly smell lulled me out of my tiredness, a plate of steaming bacon and eggs with some orange juice on the side having been placed neatly outside my door.

I surreptitiously investigated my surroundings to see who had left it behind, but nothing but an empty hallway greeted me in return. My mouth involuntarily watered at the prospect of a hot meal, my stomach growling desperately. Two pills had been placed neatly on a piece of paper next to the plate, along with an individually sealed toothbrush set that brought on equal excitement.

The tray was plastic and floral, reminding me a lot of what my grandmother, Mamé, would serve when we'd visit her for the summer in France as kids. It looked like an innocent enough meal, but could I trust it?

Pursing my lips in deliberation, I struggled to look down for too long as it only made my nausea all that worse. Closing my eyes, the combination of it all caused my resilience to waver.

What could they possibly gain from poisoning me...?

If I was in the right state of mind, I could've listed about four reasons right off the bat.

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