Chapter 20 -- "What human would want this?"

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Chapter 20

Sitting around the dinner table everyone tucked into their meal, placing different portions of different servings onto their plates before passing them along to the person next to them. Everyone was chatting happily and laughing as crackers were pulled and paper hats put on.

Everyone except for me.

"Hey," Chris said quietly, leaning into my ear slightly to be heard over everyone else "You okay?"

Putting on a fake smile I turned to him, ignoring the pain in my abdomen "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you haven't touched your food... nor spoken a word since dinner started. Listen if bringing Ruby here was a bad idea I'm sorry--"

"No, no it's not that," I reassured, dropping my fake smile for a small real one "Don't worry about it."

"Danny come on; just tell me what's wrong." He replied, sounding rather demanding even in the quite tone.

"It's nothing, drop it." I said, growing frustrated. There was no way I was telling him--

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me or I swear to God I will--"

"I'm on my period!" I said in annoyance, obviously a bit too loudly as everyone at the table suddenly went quite and was looking at us both questionably. Freezing in place I awkwardly looked at them back, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Oh God how embarrassing...

Looking down to pick at my food awkwardly the conversation gradually started picking up, until it was as if nothing happened. "So... anything interesting happen at work Danny?"

"Hm?" I asked, looking back up at Ruby who sat next to me at the table "O-oh yeah... the ugh, boss had an affair."

"I thought you were the boss?" She replied, looking sceptical.

Ah crap.

"Yeah no, you know-- my boss. You know, the big boss. The one I never see."

Nailed it.

Little did she know I didn't actually have a job anymore, ha! Wait... why was I happy about that fact?

"Oh," She said, pursing her lips and looking to be holding back a smile "So what about you? Any babes on the scene?"

"W-what? No, it's all just..." I trailed off, glancing at Chris in the corner of my eye. What do I say in this situation?! My eyes met that of a man staring down at his plate, seemingly unaware of the conversation that was going on between me and my best-friend "...Business."

"Really?" She replied, looking at me smiling before leaning into my ear "Cause a friend doesn't just fly in a friend of a friend do they?"

I quickly grabbed my glass of wine and took a large gulp "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh you definitely-"

"So Ruby, what do you do for a living?" Yvane asked, feeding Grace some carrots and looking at her smiling. Thank you Yvane.

"Nothing. Well, not yet anyway. I'm studying to be a doctor."

"Oh Jesus its fun isn't it? I just got on the register last year and I'm still not over the trauma of being an intern."

* * *

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, could you point the way?" Ruby asked, placing her napkin on the table and standing up.

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