Chapter 24-- Ghosts

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Chapter 24

"Gentlemen," I began, assessing the group I was currently leading, "and... gentlemen. Thank you for coming on such short notice, and on New Year's no less, but due to recent events I wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible."

I began to pace as I stared at the large group of shirtless men in front of me, and I'll admit it was slightly distracting. There was a break in the storm but it was due back tonight, so we were currently in the same stadium in which I had out run max but a few weeks ago. It felt like a life time, but there I was getting ready to teach a group of werewolves how to fight. The joys of being stubborn... "We'll start in a bit. Socialize, or do whatever normal people do until then."

Remember ages ago? When Chris and I had out little...spat? And he said I could teach the members how to fight when he was pissed...? Well I brought that up the other day, and after hours of convincing, I finally got him to arrange for all the members to come at different times in different groups throughout the day. Only problem was... the first group meeting was at 5AM since they had duties to attend to.


So there I was, in the crisp morning air with the sun slowly rising as everyone began to chat amongst themselves. The main notable men I could see within the group were Cody and that stupid, annoying of a prick soldier who said I shouldn't be at important meetings because I was a woman.

I'd be kicking his arse later...

Spotting Chris making his way towards us, I waved him over wanting a word. Once he was close enough, I grabbed his arm and turned us so that we were facing away from the group of half naked man; providing us with little privacy but it was all we had. "Where are all the women?"

"Some are coming over to watch now, why?" He answered, sounding slightly perplexed.

"None of them wanted to learn?" I asked, growing rather confused myself. I know for a fact that Frankie was one for learning how to defend herself; as well as Yvane and heck even Lucy. So why weren't they here?

"I said you could teach the soldiers how to fight Danny, not the women." He explained, giving me a pointed look.

I turned to him with disbelief mixed into my features, "And what, there are no female soldiers?"

"Werewolf women don't fight, English. That's just how it is."

"What...? What? I--it-- is it law, or something?" I tried to splutter out, my disbelief growing and a sliver of anger following it. What is this...? Women aren't allowed to fight? Bull crap! This is a classic example of the species' minds being in the medieval ages.

"No, it's more of a tradition. One I'm not that fond of but members of the pack still hold it strongly to their hearts. I'm sorry Danny but its how our world works."

Huffing I decided that something had to be done, but it had to be done spontaneously, "Fine."


"Shut up and take your top off like everybody else." I muttered, before turning back to the group of men. Pissed, but it wasn't because I wanted to see him topless or anything...




"Now, today I will be personally evaluating your fighting methods and seeing if we need further work. Some of you may be pro, some of you may not. Heck some of you are probably wondering what you're even doing here. But if you get into a situation where you can't shift, you're going to have to learn how to defend yourselves." I declared, as Chris joined the others but sadly kept his shirt on.

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