Chapter 23 -- When you can see the future everything is funny.

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Chapter 23

Danny's POV

My body continued to shake as I sat down within the room of darkness. I couldn't move. As in I physically couldn't move. I kept telling my body to get up, to do something-- to run away from the dark but my legs/arms/everything just wouldn't listen. My head wasn't helping that much either, since it felt as if I was being suffocated.

"Cody, get the flashlights from the kitchen." I vaguely heard Chris order; before I felt hands grab my shoulders causing me to jump out of my skin. Trying to struggle free I was pulled closer to the body which held me until another brilliant flash of lightening burst outside the window, allowing me to see Chris crouching down in front of the sofa and for me to calm down slightly. But as quickly as the light had arrived it was gone, causing me to panic once more. I had to calm down. I had to stop panicking. I was going to be fine. Nothing was coming. I was going to be fine...

"Danny it's alright. Nothing's going to happen."

I nodded, swallowing to try and get the saliva back in my mouth. "I know. I'm fine," I breathed, not sounding like me at all and squeezing my eyes shut "Oh god, I'm so stupid."

"It's alright the power will be back on soon." He reassured, as I grasped his hand so tight it probably hurt.

"Chris! Come help me for a second, man!" Cody yelled after a few minutes, causing me to jump slightly. I looked at Chris in worry as he slowly stood. Was he leaving me?

"I'll be right back, okay? I promise."

Nodding I sucked up my cowardice and shut my eyes, only letting go of his hand once he was practically behind me. Once his touch was gone I felt even worse than before, hugging myself as I refused to open my eyes.

There's nothing there, there's nothing there, there's nothing there.


Scrambling around slightly I fumbled with my pockets until I felt the familiar base of my phone. Whipping it out with shaky fingers I flipped it open ad was greeted with the soft glow of my surroundings.

Sighing in slight relief I slowly stood and shone the light around to ensure that no corner was left unsearched. I did a couple of double takes since shadows had the annoying tendency of looking like axe wielding vampires but after wondering around for a while I came to the conclusion that I was the only one in the room.


"JESUS CHRIST Chris! You scared the crap out of me!" I swore once I swung around and found the two men standing close to me. Taking a deep breath I looked at them expectantly, "Did you get the torches?"

"Yeah, here." Cody replied, passing me a rather large, aluminium torch.

"Thanks." I muttered, turning it on and feeling much better now that I had better light. Sweeping it across the room casually, a scream left my lips as it landed on a white creature with giant green eyes and a smaller, skinnier creature sticking out of its chest. Getting ready to throw the torch at it I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, it's just Tinsley." Chris muttered, turning on his own torch.

Making an 'what the hell' face I turned back to look at the scantily clad blonde who's hair was like a birds nest and on closer inspection, face covered in a white mud mask "What the hell?! What are you doing creeping around the place like that?"

"If you haven't noticed, the powers out-- and Titan and I didn't feel comfortable being by ourselves upstairs." She replied snottily, sniffing loudly as she did.

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