Chapter 47: "Never said it was fair."

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RE-CAP CUS IT'S BEEN A LONG DAMN TIME: So basically all was well with Danielle (Danny) Perkins and her soon to be husband Christopher (Big Bad Wolf) Childes, when Danny was suddenly taken by the Jester Courts who have it out for Chris for killing so many peeps in that parallel world they all from (Ecrim). Long story short you pick up two years later where majority of the characters are dead cus Iggy's got herself a God complex and bada-bing-bada-boom! Danny is found and she suffering from PTSD and shit from hella bad things being done to her by the Dick Courts. Chris and them declare war on the courts even though Danny hates his ass right now cus ya know, PTSD. BUTTT, not a lot of people are getting behind him on this war thing because you know, war means there's a good chance YA GONNA DIE and cus Chris isn't exactly a fan favourite back in the Homeland (Ecrim), people be reluctant to get involved with his scary ass. BUT THEN PLOT TWIST, Danny's wheeled on in and said she might be able to help with the number's issue... and here we are today! Woop woop.

Honestly if I were you I'd just re-read the damn thing cus it's been way too long.

It's a gooden read, I swear. You know, minus the whole grammatical errors and poorly made jokes in the first few chapters cus I was 16.  


Chapter 47

I stared at the passing pine trees in anticipation, my chin leaning heavily against the palms of my hands as the growing foliage whizzed by. Twelve hours had passed since we'd left the house, the convoy consisting of three cars; each containing a minimum of two wolves. Chris was leading the way as always, Joel riding shot-gun with another member in the backseat. Lucy and I were in the middle, and considering my can-do attitude-- no one else had sat with us.

Followed up with a third car carrying three more members and we were practically a travelling circus. We'd been stopping every so often so people had breaks driving, switching seats to insure that no one fell asleep at the wheel. Not that I was much help in that department anyway, considering my busted leg and all; I was about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot.

We'd first started off with Chris and I alone in a car, however I think my eight hour silent treatment finally got to him as he asked Lucy to take over; an arrangement I was more than happy for. To say I was still salty with him was an understatement, and I'm pretty sure silence was the best thing I could've given next to literally biting his head off.

"So... you excited?" Lucy eventually asked, speaking for the first time since entering the car four hours ago. Everyone had been treading on egg shells since my return, Chris being the only one openly speaking to me without apprehension. Lucy had been trying here and there bless her, but recently I'd been less and less in the mood to actually speak. After everything that had happened, it was as if my brain just had more important things to worry about other than idle conversation-- and as a result I'd become clipped and dry in my tone. I'd realised how meaningless all that sort of stuff was in the grand scheme of things, my patience with people going from an initial cool 60% to a pretty lonely 5%. But I couldn't stop myself. It wasn't anything personal to Lucy; it was just that I was so tired of pretending to care.

"Nope." I replied dryly, not planning to continue the conversation any further.

I'd answered, that was more effort than I usually put in.

Lucy sighed heavily, the low volume of the radio providing white noise in the background. I think she turned it on to literally drown out the silence, "You know when I was promised a spontaneous weekend away to Michigan, this wasn't what I was expecting."

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