Chapter 34 -- "I love you."

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"You want to sleep on the couch; I want to sleep next to you. Really, it's the only option." I teased mockingly, pretending to close my eyes and bring my hand to rest underneath my cheek, "Goodnight."

"You know, that's kind of the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

I snorted, "You're such a girl."

"Oh really?" He muttered, before my eyes snapped open as I was suddenly pulled up and manpowered so that Chris was able to stand with me in his arms, "Could a girl do this?

Laughing, I demanded for him to put me down as he strolled with ease into my bedroom; pulling back the covers and placing me into my slightly cold bed before throwing the covers back on top of me and making his way to the other side.

Still chuckling, I turned to lie facing him as he got comfy in my king sized bed, "Alright, so you're a strong girl."

"You bet your ass." He mocked back, leaning forward and pressing his lips briefly to mine, "'Night, English."

"Night, Rover." I whispered in return, as an arm was slipped around my waist and I was pulled closer to his bare chest. Taking a deep breath, I breathed in his scent and let out a content sigh as a small smile graced my lips.

Everything was falling into place...

Chapter 34

Danny's POV

It had been around six months since baby Sunny had been born, and I had to admit that was probably the best six months I'd had in a very long time. After officially moving in with Chris at the house, as soon as Lilly was safe to travel she and Sunny also packed their bags and came to join us in Ohio at Toby's new home (Turns out members don't have to purchase homes if within the walls of the community. They are either given houses which fit to their needs or are allowed to choose lots of land in order to build their own homes; rent free! They were just given the deed to the house/ lot and were required to merely pay bills and tax. And even then the bills weren't that high as all houses had solar panels for electricity and each home had a water reservoir in their back gardens! Damn, I should've gotten me one of them houses years ago...)

It had taken a couple of weeks getting used to the move, but in the end we'd all come to grips with our new lives; sort of. I somehow managed to start up business again by taking commissions and working from home, and I was in fact considering renting out an office complex in town in order to get business moving along.

My apartment in New York was still under my name (Much to Chris' grumbling), and I'd managed to have a word with the building owner convincing him to allow me to purchase the condo rather than rent it (And that cost me a pretty penny I'll tell you). Even though I lived in Ohio now, I still wanted something to call my own and to return to whenever I felt like going on a little vacation.

Lilly, as predicted, was an amazing mum. Much better than ours was and twice as loving. Damien was currently being put on trial for attempted murder, possession of an illegal fire-arm and drug possession (Who'dve known?), and Dad had finally replied to Lilly two weeks after the birth; stating congratulations and asking if they were both healthy. After a reply from Lilly and a request to come see his grand-daughter, a promise was made that he'd attempt to come over sometime this year however he was currently travelling Europe with his new wife.

Nice. (Note the sarcasm)

And I've got to admit, Toby had really pulled through these last couple of months. He'd treated both girls as if they were princesses and rightfully so. He'd gotten a full-time job at the local mechanic and was now making decent money as Lilly took computer classes at home to finish her education while taking care of the baby, who was growing far too quickly for my liking.

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