Chapter 45 -- "I'm sick of feeling a draft on my scalp."

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Chapter 45

Danny's POV


"...Chris?" I mumbled out, stirring in my sleep slightly.

"Psst..." He persisted.

"Chris please I don't feel good, baby... Let me sleep..." I repeated, wincing slightly as my fingers brushed up against the floor.


The repeated sound caused me to begrudgingly stir awake with a wince, my eye swollen shut at this point from the beating I'd received only a few hours earlier. The tips of my fingers throbbed from within their bandages, my befuddled state not helping the situation as I kept accidently bumping them against my legs. I hadn't been placed into a straight-jacket today, as I was practically immobile at this point from the pain.

They liked pulling off nails here...

"Psst...! Hey, is anyone there?" The voice once again whispered, the low sound breaking through the silence like a bullet through a window. I shuffled about slightly in my position, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from but falling short.

After blinking through my hazy vision, I slowly came to adjust my eyesight to the room; my eyes picking up on the thinnest ray of light filtering through a crack in the right wall of the cell. Small crumbs of rock were falling from the slight hole, as if someone was trying to widen it a fraction and peak through, "...Hello?"

I debated whether or not to answer, but in the end decided that the strain was worth it as I dragged myself over to the wall, being wary of the door as I went. I'd been moved to three different locations at this point, each one varying in size and functions but each having the same few connections.

They all had morgues.

They were all dark.

And they all stank.

My newest cell (which I had been upgraded to due to solitary confinement) had a closed door to it instead of bars, something I was both grateful and in despising of. On the plus side I had slightly more privacy, on the negative side the only time I saw light anymore was for when I would be pulled out for beatings.

I'd come to fear the light.

Darkness meant no beatings.

Darkness meant I was alone.

"H-hey..." I crackled out, the word being the first thing I'd uttered other than screams in an exceedingly long time.

"Oh thank God! I was starting to worry I was hearing breathing in my head!" The voice breathed in relief, the pitch indicating that I was speaking to a New Zeeland woman and most definitely not Christopher Childes as I had first guessed.

Who the Hell is this?

"W-who's there?" I questioned, craning my neck in attempt to peak through the hole but it was too small to make anything out.

"My name's Tammy... I-I'm not one of them. Not that it makes much of a difference in you believing me either way but..." She replied, as I heard shuffling from the other side of the wall as if she too was trying to peak through the hole in the bricks, "...W-What's your name?"

...My name?

"I-I'm Danny..." I answered, thinking about what she said afterwards, "Not that that makes a difference either really."

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