Chapter 44 -- Maximus Power

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Chapter 44


"What do you think she's thinking about?" Bobby asked, having come over to visit his brother's old house which he often does in memoriam. We both sat on the back porch of the house, watching Danny stare blankly into the two white graves that had been placed at the bottom of the garden. The sky was grey and bleak, the rumbling in the air indicating that it would most probably begin to rain soon. The breeze was bitter and cold, as Bobby and I observed Danny in her wheel-chair staring at the memoriam of her friends.

In Loving Memory Of

Cody Robert Santares

05.15.2003 - 11.24.2029

Yvane Wilson-Santares

07.17.2001- 08.03.2030

May You Find Yourselves In Peace

She'd been there for about two hours at this point.

"I don't know." I admitted, leaning against the column marked with Grace's growing height over the past four years and sighing at the battered sight of my mate. It had been about three days since the love of my life had awoken, and after the initial attack-- she had yet to show anymore signs of violence. Her day consisted mainly of staring and consistently throwing up the food we'd been giving her. The Doctor said that it would take months before she'd be eating properly again due to her f***ed up eating schedule for the past two years. Her body rejected any form of consumption as it had become foreign for her not to eat more than a few pieces of food every couple of days. It would take a while, but hopefully she'd end up getting used to eating healthily again.


"Should we go get her?" He asked, sipping his coca from his position on the swinging bench. He'd matured greatly over the past two years, the death of his brother really putting things into perspective for him and pulling him onto the right track. He no longer dressed idiotically and hardly got into trouble, his grades steadily on the rise and his attitude coming along with it. Cody would've been proud, it's just a shame that it took his death for this to happen to Bobby. 

I shook my head, "No... Let's give her a couple more minutes."

"We should go get her. She can't stay there you know, it's unhealthy to hold onto it for too long. It eats you up. I would know." Bobby muttered, not bothering to make a move even with his words.

"I know, but you have to remember that she saw Cody pass up close... and she didn't even know about Yvane until yesterday. She hasn't had proper time to grieve, she needs that at least." I replied quietly, watching her in sadness as her now short hair blew slightly in the breeze. Lilly had dressed her today in slightly warmer clothing, rolling her out to the graves by her request and leaving her with a blanket and her own thoughts.

"Yeah... I guess you have a point." Bobby sighed, the conversation between us falling silent as we continued to observe from a distance. Come back, Baby...


I was rolling.

That was the main thing that stuck in my mind as I was wheeled off somewhere strapped into a straight-jacket with a biter mask on my face and a black sack over my head. After around two months in this god-awful place, I had acquired quite a reputation for lashing out at guards-- usually resulting in either severe bruising or blood drawn on their part. Due to this I had now been moved to solitary confinement-- muzzled every time I was removed from a room and straight jacket-ed for the majority of the day.

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