Chapter 48 -- "Baff."

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"I should just throw this ring into the sea and be done with it... But here I am..."

"Here you are." She mumbled in return, sighing and joining me in staring at the sunset as the last rays of light began to leave the sky.

I sighed, "I just wish I had a normal life you know? With a mortgage and a white picket fence and only the war to thank for my PTSD."

"Yeah... Hey, at least in the war you got to fight back, right? Had a fair chance? That's been put into perspective I guess." She replied, placing her head on my shoulder to get comfortable, "With the Courts... you just had to sit there and take it. Like it would just make you feel so hopeless.

"...Well, unless you were in the arena. I mean you got a little pay back there, but fucking Hell it was not worth it. You're so damn lucky you didn't have to go through that shit man. That in itself is a trauma all in its own, I'm telling you." She recalled painfully, her face scrunching up as the memories caused her whole body to tense.

I paused for a moment, not knowing how to tell her but decided that it was just best to get it out.

"They put me in the arena, Tammy." I admitted, not looking away from the sunset as the young girl froze for a moment before pulling away to look at me.

"Impossible." She mumbled, looking at me in slight disbelief, "How is that possible, Danny? No offence but you're human... how the fuck did you survive?"

I pursed my lips and turned to her with a forced smile, the memories all too fresh as I looked at my shocked friend in understanding, "Turns out it's pretty hard to kill a human too."

Her face dropped, all disbelief replaced by pure sadness as she returned to her original position of placing her head on my shoulder and squeezing my hand tightly, "I'm sorry, Danny. We're going to get through this, you'll see."

I sighed heavily, squeezing her hand back in return as we watched the sun fully set and be replaced by countless glinting stars in the sky. My other hand was continued holding onto the engagement ring, my fingertips still rubbing the smooth metallic surface as it annoyingly gave me comfort. Why couldn't this just be black and white anymore?

Why did a part of me still love him?

Chapter 48

Danny's POV

"Danny, don't do this." Frankie practically begged as I hauled my duffle-bag over my shoulder, limping out of the house as determinedly as my leg would allow me. The girl was right on my heels along with about six others, following closely as I made my way to one of the many community owned vehicles.

One of the Hannah's also chimed in, "Danny please!"

At this point I was mid-way to the car, and the crowd of distraught voices began to attract the attention of other members. By the time I reached the boot I felt about twelve eyes on me as I chucked the bag in pretty clumsily, "Danny, we just got you back! You can't just leave us, not now--"

"They're out there right now, you won't be safe--"

"Danielle, please--!"

The volume began to intensify, the sudden assault of seven voices at once making my eyes shut in pain as the ever constant headache grew tenfold, "Danny, say something--!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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