Chapter 41-II -- "...Aye, I suppose I've nothing better to do."

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Chapter 41 Part 2

Chris's POV

I sighed into my paperwork, sitting in my office and staring down at the documents with a struggle to form even a cohort sentence. I felt the stress of the past couple of weeks since the return of Danny begin to build, my head and eyes heavy as I tried my best to deal with the situation at hand.

I can't do this...

It had been around three weeks since my mate's return, and not even a stir could be had from the girl. She merely lay in bed, staring into nothing without seemingly a care in the world. It was unnerving really, seeing her stare lifelessly into the abyss. I craved for the day where a spark would once more appear within her eye, when she'd acknowledge me as I called her name and begged forgiveness.

I can't do this...

According to McKenzie, our new Pack doctor since the death of Yvane, Danny was in a catatonic stupor due to shock and most likely severe depression. When she first opened her eyes I remember feeling ecstatic, for a second believing that she'd returned to the world. However, that euphoria was short-lived when I realised after a few seconds that she wouldn't respond to anything I said or did, her eyes empty and vacant as she stared into the ceiling above with the only movement being her chest rising and falling from breathing.

It had been the same for almost two weeks now.

Two weeks of emptiness.

Sighing once again, I ran a hand through my hair and leaned back into my worn leather roller-seat; slumping against the chair and closing my eyes in an attempt to ward off the impending headache. How long would it be until we'd be allowed to live a normal life? Would we even be allowed to do so? What if—"

"... Chris?" A soft voice croaked from the doorway, my entire body freezing at the sound as I was suddenly torn away from my thoughts.

My head snapped towards the door, my heart beginning to hammer in my chest as I spotted the frail figure leaning against the doorway— her face and clothes stained in blood with tear lines down her cheeks. My heart practically jumped in my throat at the gory sight, my body instantly jumping to overdrive as I stared at her in shock.

"It hurts—"

Eyes slowly sliding open, the depressive feeling of life seemed to drown me as I lay half on and half off the bedside, my hand still enclosed with Danny's as I gradually realised that her awaking was just another nightmare.

Slowly straightening in my seat, I felt the stiffness within my neck and back and winced, rolling my shoulders in an attempt to get the feeling to go away. I subconsciously began running my thumb across the back of Danny's hand, bringing it forward and kissing it briefly before standing to go to the bathroom. As much as I didn't want to leave her side, I don't think she'd appreciate me peeing next to her.

Making sure that nothing had changed, I checked her machinery and scanned her face, her eyes closed as she'd fallen asleep. Once again kissing her forehead, and taking note of the diamond engagement ring that slipped from beneath my shirt and dangled from the chain around my neck.

Something to remember her by when she leaves at least...

I sighed straightening my posture before leaving the room while running my hand down my face, quietly shutting the bedroom door behind me with a soft click.

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