Chapter 12.III -- "My step-dad gave me trauma."

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Chapter 12 - 3

Danny's POV

It was bad.

It was very bad.

I almost fell into the toilet in desperation as I hastily locked the door to the tiny bathroom that I'd deemed my new temporary safe haven. The cramped lavatory was so small that if I outstretched my arms in any direction I'd hit a wall, but at that moment it felt as if this tiny room was the most space I'd had in hours.

I thought I'd expected the worse when considering what this party would entail. I had visions of teeth and howling and bloodshed, with little old me stuck in the middle with only my Xannax to protect me. But never, in my wildest fantasies, did I expect them to be so...


And I'm not talking about polite stranger on the bus friendly. I'm talking overly comfortable neighbour who opens your mail kind of friendly.

I'd never been introduced to so many people in such a short amount of time in my life. It had been fine at first, with Yvane introducing me to a couple of her friends on our way to get Grace with just a few friendly questions and hellos. But it was as if the moment people realised that someone was talking to me, the dam burst and I was suddenly thrust into the arms of about fifty individuals and/or couples. Some were tame enough, but the majority had been so overwhelmingly familiar that all my anxiety had quickly morphed into borderline annoyance.

I'd been passed around like a rag doll for almost an hour and at some point Grace had begun to cry in the distance which caused Yvane to disappear shortly after, leaving me in the lovely company of Mrs Morris. A short, elderly woman-- she was kind enough to spend an inappropriate amount of time showing off all five of her children, fifteen of her grandchildren and three of her great grand children (all of whom had a small photo each dedicated to them in her conveniently portable photo album).

Trust me, there are only so many variations of ooo's and ahhh's you can do to twenty three almost identical blonde kids.

So with some miracle, I managed to weasel myself out of any more introductions for the time being by claiming I had to go to the bathroom. It took a hot minute, but I eventually escaped back into the house and practically dived into the thankfully vacant downstairs bathroom.

I collapsed onto the closed toilet with a deep groan, running a hand through my hair and wincing lightly at the slight snag on my stitches. I knelt my elbows against my knees and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I ducked my head low and practically tucked it between my legs. This is exhausting--

The sudden jiggling of the doorknob had me bolting upright, the thought of being caught by another member of the herd filling me with dread. My entire body froze as I tentatively watched someone try to come through the thankfully locked door.

There was a light knock, followed by a familiar masculine voice asking, "Anyone in there?"

Eyes wide, before I could even think to blink I bolted off the toilet and unlocked the door, yanking it open to find a startled Rover on the other side.

"You!" I seethed, grabbing the front of his shirt and roughly dragging him inside the cramped bathroom, "Get in here!"

"Jesus, ow!" He exclaimed as he whacked his head on the low doorway in the process of stumbling in. He hissed lowly and rubbed his forehead with a scowl as I reached behind him and struggled to shut the door again, "What the Hell, Danny? Careful."

"Lock the door, lock the door!" I hissed, tapping his arm aggressively as to try and make him listen.

There was a light click as he shut the door fully and tried to shy away from my aggressive taps that had at this point slowly developed into incessant slaps, "I have, ow!"

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