Chapter 6.4 - "It's just been a day."

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Chapter 6.4

"Cody, I'm back!" A familiar voice called, the slam of a door alerting everyone that Yvane had just entered the house. Grace jolted in my arms squirming, the toddler quickly demanding she be let down before waddling through the archway and towards the entryway at high speed, "Hi, Baby!"

Turning back to the half-drank mug of tea that had been placed in front of me, I tightly smiled at Lucy who stood opposite my sat figure at the breakfast bar. We were waiting for lunch to cook and had been talking random topics for the past twenty minutes, the Australian explaining how she was actually an American but had attended boarding school down under when she was young-- picking up the accent along the way.

We spoke about England and where I'd grown up, as well as my sister and her time in NYC. It was boring conversation but something that was needed. I hadn't had a normal chat in what felt like weeks, and the welcome respite of pretending that none of this was happening was a blessing.

"Cody?" Yvane once again called, her voice growing nearer as she came searching for the man who had wondered off two minutes prior, "The bounce house guy said he could come for one o'clock but he can only stay for—oh, Danny. Hey! You're here."

She froze in the doorway with Grace on her hip, smile warm but her face the picture of pure surprise. I turned to her awkwardly, knowing that she was as shocked to see me downstairs as I was, "Yeah, Lucy made some tea. So you know, I thought..."

"No, of course! By all means," She beamed, joining us at the breakfast bar and depositing the familiar medi-bag next to me on the counter, "You staying down for lunch? We'd love the company."

I smiled politely at her contagious friendliness, "Lunch is good."

So much for one cup of tea.

But Lucy had proven harmless enough.

"Great," She replied, turning to look between Lucy and I before Grace began fussing. She blinked and looked down at the squirming toddler, "Oh, Danny. This is my daughter-- Grace. Say hi Gracie."

Grace did not.

"Yeah, we already met," I replied amusedly, before I saw my chance to clarify a bit of information and took it, "She's also... Cody's--?"

"She is," Yvane nodded to confirm, releasing her daughter as she began squirming to get on her feet. The toddler zoomed off into the living room and out of sight as soon as her feet hit the ground. That kid's going to be the death of someone one day.

"She's so quick now days. We're lucky she hasn't figured out the stairs yet."

Lucy choked on her drink.

"Oh, I can't believe we didn't mention," She continued unaware, Lucy discretely clearing her throat in the background, "Cody's actually my m-mate—well, partner. We've been together about... seven years?"

What was that sorry?

"Oh. That's nice," I said, my voice a slightly higher pitch by the end of the sentence as I wrapped my hands around my rapidly cooling tea. The hastily corrected word choice threw me, and I deliberated whether or not to question further but ultimately curiosity got the best of me, "And is mate a common term or...?

She blinked as if shocked that I'd asked, taking a second to compose herself before replying, "Yeah, sorry. I didn't think. It's what everyone around here calls their... spouses?"

She looked to a recovered Lucy for confirmation who nodded in assurance.

I made a sound of understanding in response, my lips pursed as her words sank in. This is getting weird...

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