Chapter 33 -- "I got you a toothbrush if you needed it?"

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Chapter 33

"She's beautiful..." I murmured, cradling the little bundle of blankets in my arms as I sat in the uncomfortable armchair which had been placed in Lilly's room by my request.  After nine hours of labour, she'd finally managed to pop out a little girl.

A bit of a surprise considering we'd been expecting a boy.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" I enquired, managing to spare a glance at my exhausted yet joyful sister as she sat up in bed while staring adoringly at her daughter. Looking back down at the tiny baby in my arms, I smiled as she yawned a small 'O' and two little fists began to poke up from beneath the pink cotton. I had yet to see her eyes, but considering all newborns were born with blue ones I kind of took she had the same. After they cleaned her up a little bit, we discovered she had a fine dusting of white hairs on the top of her head; a clear indicator that she'd inherited her mother's natural almost bleach blonde hair.

Lilly let out an exaggerated breathe," Well... I had Noah in mind, but I don't think that will cut it this time."

I chuckled, shifting her carefully so she could grab my index finger and begin to squeeze slightly in her sleep, "Yeah, guess not... how about Danielle? Sounds pretty fabulous if I do say so myse--"

"You're so full of yourself." She replied sarcastically, chuckling at my lame attempt. I awkwardly shrugged and returned my own chuckle before looking down at the bundle of joy in my arms, "I was thinking about Louise as a second name; after Gran. But otherwise I'm pretty stumped..."

The next twenty minutes were spent on deciding baby names and a nurse coming in to help Lilly with breast feeding. After a tearful success, the baby was burped, nappy checked and full before she was laying on her mother chest with her head on her shoulder and her body cradled.

"How about... Abigail?"

She shook her head, "Too old."

"... Roxy?"

"Too new."

"Well, bloody Hell love, try not to be too picky." I teased, earning a mock scowl in return.

"Excuse me but this is my child we are speaking of here. I reserve the right to be picky."

Suddenly, the child in question decided it was a good time to throw up over my sisters shoulder, earning a little gasp of surprise from LIlly before she asked me to pass over the bibs which were brought in her hospital bag. She began to clean up her up, and say what you will about my sister's age but she was an excellent mum. Once she was clean, she requested that I take her for a moment in order for her to change shirt.

Carefully passing her over, Lilly bent over with a wince and removed her hospital gown before she got changed into a tank top and stretchy pants. Once she was back in bed, the asleep baby began to stir in my arms; her little nose scrunching before her eyes amazingly began to squint open. Mine widened in response, as she took in our first official meeting,

"Hey baby..." I began to coo in delight, as her eyes finally adjusted and she stared up at me inquisitively. It was quite humorous actually, "Welcome to the big world... It kinda sucks, but you'll learn to love it."

"Hey! Don't go corrupting my baby!" Lilly laughed, as we both watched the little bundle of sunshine begin to squirm in my arms.

"I'm your Auntie Danny, and I'm going to spoil you rotten." I cooed once more, wiggling my finger a bit so she got distracted. She merely gurgled slightly in return; flexing her tiny fingers around mine as her other hand began wagging about. "She looks like you."

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