Chapter 40-- Just another in the long list of the dead...

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"Do you really think that your voodoo crap is going to work on me?" I seethed, my irritation growing tenfold as my eyes began to blacken. I held more dark arts crap within my veins than almost any other creature out there; the most in Earth at least-- something as tedious as 'black-trickery' isn't going to take an effect on someone like me. "Now I'll ask again, why are you here? And you better have a good enough answer because I swear to God with what you said to get me out of here-- you'll be dead if it isn't."

However before she could reply, a light thump caught my attention from next to her; my attention broken for a few second as I glanced up to the noise and did a double take. My vision cleared from it narrow-mindedness, my anger evaporating into shock as my hand dropped to my side along with the woman to the ground as she fell to her knees coughing.

My heart had stopped. My entire body paralysed as I stared at the dirty, dried blood stained hand which pressed against the back window of the jeep; a pair of mismatching eyes staring back at me in fear as she sat limp in the backseat. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe-- I dared not if it was only for me to wake up back in that dark attic, alone once more.

Danny sat in the back seat, absolutely filthy and broken. Covered in grime and dried blood which had been there for God knows how long. She still wore the clothes that she had worn when she was taken from us two years ago, her hair much shorter now to its once almost waist long length. She looked terrified and defeated, but stared at me with such hope that it made me want to collapse where I stood and just curl up into a ball.

I took a hesitant step forward, followed by another and another until I practically threw myself at the door and yanked it open; ignoring the stench emanating from inside and concentrating on the underlying scent which was unique to one person, and her limp form which stared at me with now half-closed eyes.


Chapter 40

  Chris's POV


I remember the first time I realised I loved her.

It wasn't instantaneous, like so many stories you hear nowadays. In fact, I've come to believe that those claims of immediate love are but the delusions of the mind; an ideal from centuries' worth of stories which everyone claims to accomplish. I don't believe in Love at first sight, I mean, when I first met Danny she was just a human that my wolf suddenly got attached to (that coincidently acted like a female Spiderman).

At the beginning, when I managed to make her stay, that was all him; seeing as this woman was probably my best (And only) chance of obtaining a Luna, and maybe producing heirs later on down the road. Personally, I even hated her slightly-- seeing as she was just another link to the wolf that made me the monster I was. However, that didn't last long. In fact, it was more of a shock to me than anyone else when it happened.  I never expected that life would actually provide me an opportunity to fall in love.

And by some strange twist of fate, for them to love me back.

 I don't exactly know when it happened, the exact moment when I fell for the Russian speaking British soldier, but I remember one day just smiling to myself for no reason; later realising it was because I was thinking of her.

That's when I knew she was mine, and that I'd protect her no matter what.

Yeah... that turned out great didn't it...

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